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Divine Form


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I'd like an alternative transformation thing for the paladins out there who don't want to be a ferocious beast or a bloodthirsty stalker, but who still want a transformation.


I think the most-lore friendly course would make it be similar to Umaril the Unfeathered. For those of you who don't know the plot of Knights of the Nine, Umaril the Unfeathered made a deal with Meridia and became a half-daedra angel thing. Meridia is already one of the least evil of all Daedra, so one could make a deal with her and still be a nice guy. Of course, the main problem with that would be stopping it from being too overpowered, since Umaril's only weakness was the Crusader's Relics. Still, it would be awesome to transform into a mighty angelic being with light powers.

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