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Question regarding latests MWSE plus a couple of extra questions


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This questions is for those who know more about the in's and out of the new version of MWSE and its capabilities.


Does this new version mean that it is possible that one day someone could make a mod the would allow the player to write in a journal for RP Purposes like Kyoma's Journal Mod for Oblivion,or a mod that makes blocking an active skill as opposed to how it works in vanilla?


These last two questions don't deal with MWSE


Has anyone made a mod that made Spellbreaker obtainable in its normal location without being a vampire?


If not that would be a cool idea.


How hard would it be using the construction set the relocate a house mod that might conflict with Morrowind Rebirth to a location where it wouldn't conflict?


Mostly for personal use.

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To answer your question about a journal mod. I think such a mod already exist, otherwise Stuporstar wouldn't include a Writing Enhanced addon in the BB Grimoires mod.


The original Writing Enhanced mod is here: http://mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2868



IIRC, you can obtain the Spellbreaker via a quest without being a vampire and all you need to do is to visit a certain dungeon in the Red Mountain region.


If you need/want to relocate a house due to a mod conflict then use TESfaith.

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I knew about Writing Enhanced but I was wondering if anyone was working on a new writing mod for Morrowind using the updated script extender or whether such a thing was even possible or not because I know writing enhanced depends on the program Morrowind Enhanced since it is an older mod before the update to MWSE's capabilities.The same could be said for a mod the allows one to block with a shield by pressing a key as opposed to the dice roll.

You cannot get the quest from Mastrius without being a vampire since if you enter the dungeon not being a vampire he will straight up attack you or at very least not offer the quest,honestly I am surprised that no one ever made a mod that allows one to either get the quest without being a vampire or find the shield without the quest being active.I mean I could fudge it and either had the shield to my inventory with the console or make it appear in the dungeon by activating the quest using the console but I would rather not have to fudge it.

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You cannot get the quest from Mastrius without being a vampire since if you enter the dungeon not being a vampire he will straight up attack you or at very least not offer the quest,honestly I am surprised that no one ever made a mod that allows one to either get the quest without being a vampire or find the shield without the quest being active.I mean I could fudge it and either had the shield to my inventory with the console or make it appear in the dungeon by activating the quest using the console but I would rather not have to fudge it.

I just checked UESP and you're right the quest can only be triggered when one is a vampire.


However, there are a lot of quests in Morrowind that has dialogue which are not faction/quest (must finish a certain quest) filtered properly.


I know a few quests that can be started via the kitchen door so to speak.

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How hard would it be using TESFaith to move either Varo Manor or Cesia Residence to a location that won't cause conflicts with Morrowind Rebirth?





How hard would it be to create a mod that either allows non vampires to get the quest from Mastrius or make it so Spellbreaker can be found in it usual location without the quest being active?

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Sorry, I've no experience with TESFaith nor do I have with quests, dialogue etc. Only simple mods that has statics placed in-game or enchanted items, spells is what I can create.


If I were you I would post a request for moving those buildings and alter a vanilla quest. :smile:

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At the moment, the new MWSE can't do dynamic INFO records (journal entries), but some of the people who have created most of the new mods have said that it's on the to-do list.

I had asked them if an MWSE version of Trainer Log that added modded trainer information to the journal was possible.

Edited by ProfArmitage
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