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New Scalemail Armor requested


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hello everyone! :-)


i've recently had an idea for a new scalemail armor and i am kind of hoping that someone with the time, knowledge, experience and tools would make it because i have to admit... i have none of those XD


anyways, the armor i was thinking would be basecally a retexture of the thieves guild leather armor. i always thought that the thieves guild leather armor would make a good basis for a light themed armor.


the retexture would basecally be that the leather bracers, kneepads and pauldrons would be retextured from leather into steelplate. the leather sleeves would be retextured to chainmail and the leather jacket be retextured into scalemail. the pants and the various bandoliers and bags would be unchanged and still leather.


here's a picture marking the various parts that would be retextured.


the yellow-marked areas would be steelplate armor

the blue-marked areas would be chainmail armor

the grey-marked areas would be scalemail armor

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