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Being attacked problem


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I'm having a problem with someone attacking me. This involves a mod called "Dave's Furniture Store Plug-In v1.6." I accidentally grabbed a banner off the wall in the basement and started getting attacked. There was no crime reported so i can't just pay a fine and have them stop attacking me. I seem to recall a command that could stop a person from attacking you but I don't remember it. Somebody help please! I want to finish furnishing my house!

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Develop a soothe spell from calm humanoid (100% for x seconds). You should be able to get them to calm down long enough to trade with you. The effect is occasionally permanent but rarely so.
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  • 3 weeks later...
sometimes a gaurd will occasionally attack me for no reason when I have no bounty. I usually do some small crime i.e. steal something and pay the bounty. It usually stops the gaurd from attacking me. You can try this I don't know if it would work though.
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