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Script help: comparing two inventories


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The following code snippet is designed to store a single copy of each Book acquired into the reference container (xGSxBookStoreREF). The script currently walks through a formlist of all books (xGSxBooksFLST) and then runs conditional tests on the player's inventory and the reference container, moving a single copy if a new title.


The script works fine but takes forever and a day. I am open to new ideas on how to accomplish my goal more quickly.


			If iButton == 0 ; Store New Books
			Notification("Painfully slow book sort.  Please go about your business until the menu returns")
			Int iIndex = xGSxBooksFLST.Getsize()
			while (iIndex  > 0)
				iIndex -= 1
				Book CurrentBook = xGSxBooksFLST.GetAt (iIndex) as Book
	                   IF Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(CurrentBook) > 0
		                   IF xGSxBookStoreREF.GetItemCount(CurrentBook) >= 1
						Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(CurrentBook, 1, True, xGSxBookStoreREF)
			Notification("New Books stashed")
			iButton = xGSxBooksMenu.Show()

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The way you're doing it is a good way to do it... not sure if it's possible to speed it up. I can only think of one other way to do it. If you look at the notes for RemoveItem, you will see that it allows you to pass in a formlist as the parameter. So you could try changing your code to this:


Scriptname fg109TestMEScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

FormList Property xGSxBooksFLST Auto
ObjectReference Property xGSxBookStoreREF Auto
Message Property xGSxBooksMenu Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
int iButton = xGSxBooksMenu.Show()
if (iButton == 0)	; Store New Books
	Debug.Notification("Begin Book Sort")
	xGSxBookStoreREF.RemoveAllItems(Game.GetPlayer())	;move all items into player inventory
	Utility.Wait(0.5)	;probably not neccessary, but better safe than sorry
	Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(xGSxBooksFLST, 1, True, xGSxBookStoreREF)	;move 1 of every item in the list from player to container
	Debug.Notification("End Book Sort")


It compiles successfully, but I have no idea how well it works.

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