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Any mod that adds a new cell crashes my game


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Any mod that adds a new cell crashes my game, strangely if I create a new cell it works fine its ANY other mod I download.


All other mods are fine, and it is NOT a confliction with another mod.


It was running fine and has not been updated since the problems so its not an update. I had something like 30 mods that added new cells when suddenly it decided it didnt like them any more.


I reinstalled and tried a new game with no mods....fine...

I add ANY new dungeon mod and its eiether instant crash or all interiors are deleted when I load a save, I just fall into nothingness.


It cant be a confliction as like I say ive tried a clean game with no old saves, im worried as when the dawnguard DLC comes out I dont want to pay for it and find the same thing happens.


And before you say it, im running a legal version of the game with steam, anyone know what is going on.


Its not like my CPU cant handle it, its 6G and was made for gaming and every other game even those with higher specs works perfectly just not skyrim if any mod that adds a new cell is loaded. Strange that I can create them in the CK for myself and its all fine. HELP?

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sorry dude, bumping aint allowed :P


as for your problem its strange that applies to all new cells, personally i generally use a lot of mods and i find that the more mods i have that add new areas or new buidings then the higher the chance of CTD i have, as a result i can only use 1 or 2 house mods :(...and if i use anything too large that adds too many items to the game world then i get problems with loading objects, for instance only half the dungeon will load (and yes that includes the floor) so the best advice i can give is to use very few mods that add new houses or such like, small tweaks are fine, and small things, but the bigger something is the worse it'll be :P

as far as im aware its a known problem with the games ability to handle resources :P


if this problem persists for literally any mod, then either try uninstalling mods gradually (usually at least 1 mod will be a main culprit) or adjust load order, or try using wrye bash or simple uninstall all mods, and reinstall your game (sometimes this can fix all problems, if you use a lot of mods reinstalling the game is something you'll need to do every so often) and then only install must have mods, that way you get what you realy need, and then you can start trying other new mods, or other less necessary mods :)


hope that helps dude

Edited by tredmillion
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