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Players head is invisible when wearing custom helmet (HELP PLEASEEEEEE


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Alright, now as the thread title tells you, when I wear my custom helmet in game, my characters head does not appear.


Many people have told me to check CK and see that I've gotten the proper body parts selected in my Biped Objects option. And then to make sure my .nif file has the correct partition for the body part


I've done all that already, to no avail.


I looked at examples of other helmets in Creation Kit that had open face layouts and saw that they did not have head checked as a biped object, and instead they had 'hair'. So I checked hair as well, and the did the same for my .nif file


Doesn't work either



Another person told me that I would check my biped object in CK as hair, and then leave it as head in the .nif file. I tried that too, the helmet disappears, but the head appears.


I have the proper body parts for my .nif file, that being the head (matches a vanilla file) in it and it should work.



If anyone has any proposed fix's please please please tell me. I've been searching all day and not a single proper fix has been tried.



-----------------------EDIT----------------------------------------YOUTUBE LINK TO PROBLEM HERE:

Edited by owatch
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