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Crashes after waiting or sleeping- Details below


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Hi, I have been having a REALLY annoying problem with my NV, I keep crashing after waiting or sleeping. While I wait or sleep, my mouse pointer also lags a LOT, I don't know if that's supposed to happen but I figured it might be relative. It seems to also slow down the longer I wait or sleep, I have been trying to sleep for 12 hours and after a few seconds it starts to lag a ton, that is to say, when you see the little pointer counting down the hours it takes longer the less hours it has to go to reach the bottom. Every once in a while I can sleep or wait for 5 hours at a time (while it still lags) it sometimes does not crash. Some other things I noticed are lag spikes after sleeping, like my game will freeze for half a second then stop then freeze again and then it will stop lagging, then crash completely. I tried setting timescale to 30:1 (specifically I entered set timescale to 30:1, if anyone can give me the default timescale value I would be thankful!) here is a picture of the error code windows gives me when I crash (I don't know if Fallout New Vegas has it's own error log so thast the best I can give) I have also disabled Auto-Saving so I know that that is not the problem

Crash report: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/falloutnewvegaserrorcod.png/

I also have been using NVSE to start my game, though that never caused issues for me so i really doubt that's it.

here's a picture of my mods I have, I have tried to disable and then run NV but it still crashes: (most of the mods I disabled involve changing spawn rates and adding locations)


Middle of the load order:


Bottom of the load order:


And here's a list of the mod's I auto-installed with Nexus Mod Manager:


Here's the bottom of the auto-installed mods:



Please respond ASAP, this is really annoying and I do not know if it will get worse, that is to say crashing after X amount of in time game has passed without waiting or resting!

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Alright! I found the fix! It WAS a timescale problem, I had just typed in the set timescale to x wrong in game, but that aside, I have a new problem, the timescale won't save, if anyone could help me with this I would be thankful!
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