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Real-time texture color overlay for armor. (Racemenu plugin?)


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Mod Idea:

A real time (Modifiable) texture overlay to change armor/clothing colors. Similarly to how you can change color settings of skin with the Racemenu plugin.


I got the idea from playing black desert online. In that MMO, you can change different colors of armor through a menu (see reference below to how it is done there...)


If this mod is possible to make it could vastly change how the game looks/feels, adding yet another layer of customization. If you know of anyone who could possibly implement this or is interested in attempting this, let me know...


Reference images:



Each "equipment part selection" allows for specific areas to be selected for recolor.


I believe BDO has a overlay that "highlights" areas to recolor:

(left is armor texture, right is the color overlay to change certain sections tint/color)

(Also this is a different armor texture than the selected armor in the image above...)




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