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Riverwood River Cottage Mod Review!


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So i saw this really cool house mod available for download a short time ago.

It was called Riverwood River Cottage. I tested it out and loved it, but there was one problem.

Only about 2k ppl had seen it. So i thought to myself: "Cooleoj, go make a video about it."

And i did and i thought i would share it here. And go check out the mod it's really good (my opinion).

Mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=18249


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that looks like a Riverwood house mod I used at the very beginning of my current playthrough, 'cept with (a lot) more stuff. I can't recall who the author was, but I betcha it's the same place but new & improved.


Anyways, I really liked it while I had it installed. (I uninstalled it once I moved to whiterun as it didn't then have all the crafting gear.)

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