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strange body and weapon mesh clipping (vanilla skyrim)


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PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!! i don't know if any of you guys have noticed but there is a very strange body/weapon mesh bug that needs to be fixed. while playing i have noticed that sometimes the weapons and the arms of my character were clipping into the torso whenever i changed the location or loaded a save.


it is hard to describe.. normally there is a certain space between torso and arms (as it should be), and the weapons are aligned to the torso without big clipping but when this bug occurs the arms are clipping into the torso just like the bow, the quiver or the sword. when i change an armor part everything goes back to normal, it adjusts somehow. however it looks really stupid and i would be grateful for every advice or fix.


i added a picture... it makes thinks more easy.




this guy has almost the same problem and made some pics too...



thank you

Edited by KurtHectic2
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same here...

sometimes i try to unequip reequip armor, and the body turned normal again..

but sometimes without realize it, it turns ugly again...

and with my character its also connected with 2h weapon clipping..

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