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Arrows for Adjusting Order of Aliases on List

David Brasher

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Some other parts of the CK do not provide arrow buttons for adjusting position of items on a list. I would dearly love to see arrows for adjusting the order of dialog infos within quests and for adjusting the order of items on a leveled list.


So why is the alias list blessed with arrow buttons? Does this mean that the order the aliases come in is important and needs to be set up a certain way?

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Yes. Aliases fill from top to bottom.


The last two fill types for aliases are:


  1. Create Reference to Object
    • Requires you to select an alias to create the object at/in.

[*]Find Matching Reference


  • There is a "Near Alias" option.

If you select an alias that is lower on the list than the current alias, then the current alias will never be able to fill.

Edited by fg109
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This sounds very difficult and the slightest error ruins the whole quest.


Is there any documentation anywhere explaining exactly how to set the load order of a long list of aliases?

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It's actually really simple, maybe I just didn't explain it very well. You could try reading the Bethesda tutorial, particularly the portions for conditional and dependent aliases.


Here are some simple rules that would probably work for pretty much any set of aliases:


  2. If you have an alias for the player, that always goes first.
  3. Location aliases should be above the reference aliases.
  4. Any forced reference aliases should come next.
  5. Then any unique actor aliases (remember that these only fill if the actor has "Persist Location" checked).
  6. The order of other fill types change on a case by case basis.

    • External aliases are filled by copying from another quest. So you need to make sure that the original alias (in the other quest) is filled or else the one in your quest doesn't fill either.
    • Aliases with creating reference to object always has to be after whatever alias that it would create an object at/in.
    • For match conditions, if you use any conditions to do with an alias, then it must be lower on the list than that alias.

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