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New game after like 4 years. Need some recommendations. :D


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Okay, so I just decided modded Skyrim would be the best thing to go to instead of an MMO if I just want to kill time since I actually never bothered to finish all quests and there are a ton of quest mode anyway.


I'm looking at making the game quite difficult, but still lore friendly, and quite immersive. I a pretty mediocre laptop (can run the game well on high, but we know mods to make it more demanding so I'm playing it at medium). I used to have mods centered around SkyRe then added new items and quests. However, SkyRe has been abandoned, and PerMa hasn't been updated in 2 years. Plus they're just cumbersome with the patchers. I was looking for a perk overhaul that I could combine with the following mods that I'm carrying over from my previous game and updated to their latest versions. If you have more recent alternative suggestions, that's fine too. Note that I am using Oldrim. If you would suggest getting SSE, I don't think my current rig will be able to do that + mods. It's just a laptop with 4th gen i5 and an Nvidia 720m 2GB.


I'm thinking maybe Ordinator?


So to the list of mods I have used before and plan on using again, plus what I'm considering adding:


Breezehome Elianora

Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim

Caranthir Tower (well I used the old one, but this time I'll load the Reborn one)

Heljarchen Farm

Helarchen Hall Reform

AC Proudspire Manor

Blue's Honeyside

Morskom Estate

Carpenter Chests for Hearthfire

Raven Nest

Vindrel Hall TNF

Convenient Horse Herding

Convenient Horses

Deadly Dragons

Dogs of Skyrim

Dwarven Luggage

True Wolves of Skyrim

Useful Dogs

Feminine Females


Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed

Dance of Death




Deadly Trio

DreamBurrows Assassin and Huntsman

Dwemer Goggles and Scouter

Immersive Armor

Mages love Dragon Priest Masks

Audio Overhaul 2

Immersive Sounds

No Sneak Attack Sound

Roosters at Dawn


Expanded Winterhold Ruins

ImpeREAL Falkreath

Oblivion Gates in Cities

Smelters for Riften/Solitude

Solitude Docks District.

Trees in Cities

Cloaks of Skyrim


Face Masks of Skyrim

Fur-Lined Skaal Clothing Set


Skyrim Peasant Fashion

Winter is Coming

Deadly Combat Lite

Combat Evolved


Horsemen Mounted Combat

Proper Aiming

SoT Sleeping Module

Better Stealth AI


Seductress Serana


Hjakhtraevarr Tomb

Molag Bal's Inferno

Lost Wonders of Mzark

Secret of Dragonhead

Temple of Blackrock

Enhanced Distant Terrain

Eternal Darkness

Interior and Dungeon Fog Remover

Killing Traps

Lanterns of Skyrim

Moon Glow

No Snow Under the Roof

Skyrim Performance Plus

Supreme Storms

Traps Make Noise

Specialized Followers

FollowerMod or AFT

Physics Impact Damage Fix

ESO Skyshards

Drinking Fountains of Skyrim

Achieve That
Alternate Start
Alternative Crafting System
Ars Metallica
AI limit increaser
Higher Bounties for Crimes
Improved Dragon Shouts
Increased Bounties and Guild Rewards
Predator Vision
Project Ultimatum
Reduced Gold Rewards for Qursts
SoT Horse Riding Hazards
Starting Spell Choice
Thieves Guild Requirements
Trade and Barter
Werewolf Mastery
DB for good guys
ESF Companions
Immersive College of Winterhold
Natural Eyes
Superior Lorefriendly Hair
Book Covers Skyrim
Camps Refugees of Skyrim
Coints of Tamriel
Fires Hurt
GIldergreen regrown
Hold Border Banners
Immersive Dark Dungeons
Immersive NPC in the dark
Immersive Soul Gems
Immersive Spells and Light
Imperial Mail
Lore Based Loading Screens
Moon Phase Affects Brightness at Night
No Psychic Lock Knowledge
Realistic Room Rental
Point the Way
Pumping Iron
Real Shelter
Realistic Nights
Run For Your Lives
Subliminal Traps
Paarthurnax Dilemma
Watchtowers Reborn
Wet and Cold
Belt Fastened Quivers
EK Ring Limiter
Eli's Coffee Mod
Helms and Circlets
Mage Backpack
Oblivion Gates
HD Shrines
Grass on Steroids
Legible Road Signs
Acquisitive Soul Gems
Combat Caster
Candlelight Toggle
Deadly Spell Impacts
Fred the Risen
Resistance Restrictions Removed
True Bound Daedric Armors
Inns and Taverns
Blacksmith Storage Chests
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
RS Children
Rent My House
Enhanced Blood Textures
Ultimate Spinning Arrows
Notice Board
Gems of Skyrim
Immersive Stables
Provincial Courier
Delphine and Esbern wears Blade Armor
Genesis Unleashed
Inconsequential NPC
Interesting NPC
Multiple floor Sanboxing
NPCs Protected Redux
Populated Dungeons
Populated Towns
Populated Forts
Populated Roads
Skyrim NPC Overhaul
Better Vampires
Crime Overhaul
Epic Gameplay Overhaul
Inhabitants of Skyrim
Lock Overhaul
Moonlight Tales
Timing is Everything
Blood on Ice Redux
Conan Hyborian Age
Cutting Room Floor
Oblivion Realms
Shadow of Meresis
Choice is Yours
Sneak Tools
Living Takes Time
The Forgotten City
A Matter of Time
Paper World Map
Atlas Map markers
Better Dialogue Controls
Extended UI
Even Better Quest Objectives
Better Dialogue Controls
Better Message box controls
Face to Face Conversations
Hotkeys Plusplus
Immersive Hud
Less Intrusive Hud
Sometimes Pickup books
Take Notes
DB Armor and Weapons Overhaul
Immersive Weapons
Immersive Armors
Dark Elven Thalmor Equipment



Obviously the simpler ones gets merged and the others get bashed.

Edited by chanchan05
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Yeah, go with Ordinator. It's a great perk overhaul and it doesn't try to overhaul a whole bunch of other stuff (like PerMa does), so it is a lot easier to set up. Look at the other mods by the Ordinator author too - you can find some good overhaul for other aspects of the game that might have been covered by SkyRe or PerMa there. For example, Summermyst - the mod that adds new enchantments - is an evolution of Wintermyst which was included in PerMa.

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Yeah, go with Ordinator. It's a great perk overhaul and it doesn't try to overhaul a whole bunch of other stuff (like PerMa does), so it is a lot easier to set up. Look at the other mods by the Ordinator author too - you can find some good overhaul for other aspects of the game that might have been covered by SkyRe or PerMa there. For example, Summermyst - the mod that adds new enchantments - is an evolution of Wintermyst which was included in PerMa.


Thanks. I'll look into that. What about the other mods? You have recommendations? As I'm building along it seems I have to find replacements for them. For example, OBIS hasn't been updated for the patches needed for updated versions of things like CCOR and IA so I'm removing that.

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I think most of them should be fine, just check for the latest versions. Of course I've not used them all.


Dance of Death - I think this was generally replaced by VioLens

Smelters for Riften/Solitude - I would recommend Long Lost Smelters of Skyrim instead

FollowerMod or AFT - Look for Immersive AFT, it's an updated version

Notice Board - this turned out to have a lot of issues, there are several add-ons to fix bugs and such out there. You might want to get Missives instead. It's basically the same thing, but without those problems.

Edited by DarkRudra
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I think most of them should be fine, just check for the latest versions. Of course I've not used them all.


Dance of Death - I think this was generally replaced by VioLens

Smelters for Riften/Solitude - I would recommend Long Lost Smelters of Skyrim instead

FollowerMod or AFT - Look for Immersive AFT, it's an updated version

Notice Board - this turned out to have a lot of issues, there are several add-ons to fix bugs and such out there. You might want to get Missives instead. It's basically the same thing, but without those problems.

Thanks. i'll look into those.


I looked into ImmersiveAFT and it seems Follower Mod is newer with more compatibility: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78935

Edited by chanchan05
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