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Dark Brotherhood mask thing.


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So I pre-ordered Skyrim a while back and got the book thingy, and while looking through it, I found that on one of th epages, think it was page 138 or soemthing, it showed "Dark Brotherhood Clothing" with this epic mask. I doubt this is the female version of the shrouded hood or whatever it is, but I can't seem to find it in-game. Is it even in the game? Wish i could give more details than that, but that's all I can really give.
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Joining the DB you can aquire:


- set of Shrouded Armor (including Cowl) and set of Ancient Shrowded Armor that looks the same;

- set of Jester's Clothes (including Hat);

- set of Shrouded clothes (including Hood), though I don't remember actually finding one.


I've never seen any mask in DB (anything like that Dragon Priest masks), sorry to disappoint. Couldn't find anything like DB mask in CK either. Well, that DB guys have masked cowls, at least. :wink:

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What I mean is, for those who pre-ordered Skyrim, and those who got the "art of skyrim" book, on page 138 should be some artwork of the Dark Brotherhood clothing. The reason I ask, is that all the other armor/clothing in book are very accurate to the in-game counterparts. Basicly the robes and everything are the same as the <spoiler> robes that you find on the shelf in the first room of the sanctuary (the room where astrid usually hangs out). Even the hood in the book looks the same, but the only difference is, the hood in the book has this longihs red cloth attached to the hood, covering the face from the nose down. I was wondering if there was an obtainable piece of this or not in the game. Thank you for your response however, as it answer most of my question :)


But for those who have the book, and look on page 138 at the dark brotherhood clothing, does the mask-like hood exist in the game? or is there just a maskless-hood version in the game?

Edited by killerunicorn5
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so far i've not found a shrouded mask like the one on page 138 in the skyrim artbook. their is no mask with the shrouded hood or any hood i've found. was probably scraped during development.
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so far i've not found a shrouded mask like the one on page 138 in the skyrim artbook. their is no mask with the shrouded hood or any hood i've found. was probably scraped during development.


I'll place my bets on that. The only possible clothing it could have been that I found evidence of, is at the dawnstar sanctuary. Basicly, go to your characters room there, and lying around, somewhere near the wall on th eopposite of the side of the room you enter from, is some DB clothing, that upon picking up, dissapears, and never shows up in your inventory.


Well, thanks for the answers guy :D

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Never seen the book, but maybe it's the Nightingale one you get near the end of the Theives Guild?



No, that is on a different page......plus, I know for a fact the outfit I am talking about in the book is the Dark Brotherhood.....because right above it it says "Dark Brotherhood Clothing" lol.


The Nightingale looks completely different from what I am talking about btw. Nightingale is like this grayish armour with a gray hood/mask.


The outfit I am talking about is the robes and hood you can find in the first room of the DB sanctuary (the first sanctuary, not dawnstar) on a shelf, only the hood as a red cloth attached to it, turning it into a mask of some sort. Wish I had a picture to show it.

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Never seen the book, but maybe it's the Nightingale one you get near the end of the Theives Guild?



No, that is on a different page......plus, I know for a fact the outfit I am talking about in the book is the Dark Brotherhood.....because right above it it says "Dark Brotherhood Clothing" lol.


The Nightingale looks completely different from what I am talking about btw. Nightingale is like this grayish armour with a gray hood/mask.


The outfit I am talking about is the robes and hood you can find in the first room of the DB sanctuary (the first sanctuary, not dawnstar) on a shelf, only the hood as a red cloth attached to it, turning it into a mask of some sort. Wish I had a picture to show it.

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It's cut content! The DB armor + clothing trees both have hood/maskless variants, which means originally it was intended for their to be 2 variants, the texture files include the section for the "mask" part and the ground/inventory meshes have the mask ... I'd say it's another 11/11/11 bug, like Female Dwarven Armor
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It's cut content! The DB armor + clothing trees both have hood/maskless variants, which means originally it was intended for their to be 2 variants, the texture files include the section for the "mask" part and the ground/inventory meshes have the mask ... I'd say it's another 11/11/11 bug, like Female Dwarven Armor



Alright, good information to know :D


Thanks guys, this cleared things up a whole lot for me :)

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