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Do you think Cyrodill will ever be a location in skyrim?


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I miss the old city and would really like to see it in skyrim. I have little faith in the modders for recreating it. It would take very long and require so much skill and talent that at that point you might as well be a paid developer working for Behtesda.


So do you think it will ever be involved in DLC? Would you even want it to be?


Of course my dream (and almost certainly yours too) is to see all of Cyrodill and the surrounding area in a DLC or mod..

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I could see some small part of Cyrodiil making it's way in to a DLC, possibly. All of it ? No, seriously doubt it. It's possible some ambitious modder might do it, but I don't see Beth adding an entire province that was already the locale of ESIV.
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After spending hundreds of hours and using up countless characters there, I can honestly say I already did Cyrodill. Somewhere different would be good...like the Land of the cat



That's Elsweyr.


I can't imagine seeing the whole of Cyrodiil again, but a small part might make it into Skyrim DLC.

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Just speculation, but I've found four dead-end roads leading out of Skyrim. Two lead to Morrowind in areas that match the appearance of the areas around the two castles in the Dawnguard trailer. The other two lead out of Falkreath into Cyrodiil, so perhaps there is some hope for the Cyrodiil fans, maybe in a second DLC.


I also seem to recall that some people have used the console to explore past those dead ends and found models of Vvardenfell and the Imperial City out there, already part of the game. Some speculate that this additional territory was meant to support modders while others speculate that it is support for future DLC. You decide. :)

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Dawnguard is set in skyrim, there is an interview with Todd Howard but don´t know if I can post it here, he said the new location in dawnguard is an oblivion realm where necromancers send souls or something like that. In this article (http://www.gameinformer.com/games/the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim_-_dawnguard/b/xbox360/archive/2012/06/05/hands-on-with-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-dawnguard.aspx) we can see both the dawnguard and the vampire fortress, one seems to be in riften and other among the glaciers. Personally I would prefer another area besides cyrodill. Edited by scot
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The entire province would never be done. The Imperial City or Bruma, etc. could be done fairly easy. I would actually be interested to see how it's changed over 200 years. But I would rather see Vvardenfell after the volcano eruption.
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Its just a pipe dream, would be awesome though wouldn't it?


I'm kind of disappointed with the direction of the first DLC, vampires aren't my thing and I wish they had added a new world to explore instead of just a new quest. It falls into typical Bethesda timing though, first DLC is always very OK and the last ones are where it counts.

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I know that is impossible but, i would like to have all Tamriel in one game, Skyrim.

It would be good, imagine you on your travel from Skyrim to Cyrodill, AWESOME!!!! :woot


Maybe in some DLC or in other game, but i would like to see in THIS game.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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