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Do you think Cyrodill will ever be a location in skyrim?


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If they do that, then I'll just have to do the following:


a) Go to the Alchemy Lab and make about 300 Stamina potions

b) Get a mod that increases the # of followers to 500

c) Become the Harbinger of the Companions

d) March straight to the AD headquarters

e) Start cutting a swath with Wuuthrad and chugging Stamina pots till my liver explodes.

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If they do that, then I'll just have to do the following:


a) Go to the Alchemy Lab and make about 300 Stamina potions

b) Get a mod that increases the # of followers to 500

c) Become the Harbinger of the Companions

d) March straight to the AD headquarters

e) Start cutting a swath with Wuuthrad and chugging Stamina pots till my liver explodes.


The option [C] is not too hard. :happy:

But the others... :mellow:

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If they do that, then I'll just have to do the following:


a) Go to the Alchemy Lab and make about 300 Stamina potions

b) Get a mod that increases the # of followers to 500

c) Become the Harbinger of the Companions

d) March straight to the AD headquarters

e) Start cutting a swath with Wuuthrad and chugging Stamina pots till my liver explodes.

lol wut?

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If they do that, then I'll just have to do the following:


a) Go to the Alchemy Lab and make about 300 Stamina potions

b) Get a mod that increases the # of followers to 500

c) Become the Harbinger of the Companions

d) March straight to the AD headquarters

e) Start cutting a swath with Wuuthrad and chugging Stamina pots till my liver explodes.

lol wut?


You already know of the new MMO? The Elder Scrolls Online? What i think is:In this game, all Tamriel can be traveled.

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Well I for one am curious as to what damage has been done to Cyrodiil since Oblivion. From the way Skyrim tells it (mentions of Bravil being ruined come to mind here from the Dark Brotherhood) the province is in bad shape so it might be good to go there and kick the Aldmari Dominion's ass.


On a side note though I would like to go somewhere not being used in one of the recent games.

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i hope for it, Cyrodill and Vampire went together, dont feel the same way about Skyrim, dont matter if they do a super awesome vamp lord, it still feels kinda out of place in Skyrim, the cosmopolitan province of Cyrodill is the perfect environment, thats why i still play Oblivion sometimes, with some cool vamp mods.
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