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Navmesh Dividers.


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When navmeshing, whats with the cell dividers that you can't cross? I dont play with followers, so I dont care, but I want it to work for others. I can't connect, so do i just butt my mesh against it?


Another question. I want Slaughterfish, do I need to navmesh the pond? Ive gotten pretty good at it, but dont see where the option is to add blue navmesh, like I see under the vanilla water.


Thank you for any help. Peace.

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You have to get the vertexes in your modified cell to approximately line up with the vertexes in the adjacent cells and then select Navmesh/Finalise. This should create a solid green border (if it doesn't then you did it wrong, vertexes too far apart probably).


Yes you have to navmesh water. After creating the navmesh make sure triangle mode is toggled on (Press "T") and click on the triangles that are in the water and press "O" to toggle water, they should change colour.

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