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Can't Start a New Game


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Okay, so about a month ago I overloaded my Skyrim with conflicting mods and it crashed, so I uninstalled everything and stopped playing it for a while. Now I come back to it freshly installed, only put in mods that I know won't conflict and I can't start a new game. The main menu simply fades out, leaving the Skyrim logo with the background music playing.

Steam mods I'm using:

Bards Instrument Fix

Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers

Increased Bounty Rewards

Midas Magic

More Map Markers

Sounds of Skyrim - Dungeons

Sounds of Skyrim – Wilds

Spriggan Drops

Invincible Vigilance

Exalted Magic – Free Wards

Playable Flute, Lute & Drum

The White Phial/Courier Quest Fixes

Skooma Drug Effect

Get Drunk

Undying Companions

Smithing Extended

Shorter Shout Cooldowns

Genuine Morokei

Longer Blessings

Resilient Dragons

Divine Intervention

Necromancer’s Amulet of Tweakage

(Slightly) Better Enchanting

Combat Magicka Regeneration

Regal Replacement Jarls

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

The Paarthurnax Fix

Quest: And the Realms of Daedra

Bloodier Combat

Collectible Mysterium Xarxes

Quest: No Mercy

Quest: The Bigger They Are

Discreet Poisoned Perk

Fortify One-Handed Daggers



Farkas Armor Fix

NA – Scourge

Detailed Mine Map Markers

NA – Chrysamere

NA – Ice Blade of the Monarch

Wear Circlets with Hoods

Knights of the Nine V2.5

Better Magic

Unrestricted Enchanting

Greybeard’s Robes

NA – Goldbrand

Helmless Warrior

Bassem’s Better Gauldur Amulet

Bassem’s Better Deadly Aim Perk

Bassem’s Hoodless Archmage Robes

Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer

Dragon Bone Weapons Complete

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Lycanthropy Infection

Bassem’s Extended Ring of Namira

Advanced Armors

Unique Region Names

The Fork of Horripilation

Tougher Traps

Better Pickpocketing

NA – Bipolar Blade

Quest: Sea of Ghosts

Syynx’s Stubborn Skeletons

Civil War Cleanup

Warchief Armor

Vagabond Armor

Hedge Knight Armor

Warmage Armor

Redguard Knight Armor

Akaviri Samurai Armor

Summon Greybeard Master – Jurgen Windcaller

Summon Companion Harbinger – Kodlak Whitemane

Summon Arch Mage – Savos Aren

Summon Nightingale Sentinel – Gallus

Summon Blades Agent – Acilius Bolar

Spectral Assassin Upgrade

Fists of Steel Fix

Distant Detail

BiPolar Blade

No Spinning Death Animation

Harder Alduin

Dwemer Spectres

Moonpath to Elsweyr

Dovahkiin Relaxes Too

Nexus mods I'm using:

Jaysus Swords

Cloaks of Skyrim

Auto Unequip Arrows

Dynamic Merchants

Alchemy Enhanced Experience

Skyrim Monster Mod

Any help would be appreciated.

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Still not working. I've practically halved the list of mods:

-Bards Instrument Fix

-Increased Bounty Rewards

-Midas Magic - Spells for Skyrim

-Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons

-Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds

-Exalted Magic - Free Wards

-Cloaks of Skyrim

-Auto Unequip Arrows

-Skyrim Monster Mod

-Alchemy Extended

-Playable Flute, Lute and Drum

-Unofficial Item Fixes

-Resilient Dragons

-Combat Magicka Regeneration

-The Paarthurnax Fix

-Quest: And the Realms of Daedra

-Quest: No Mercy

-Quest: Sea of Ghosts

-Quest: The Bigger They Are

-Discreet Poisoned Perk

-The Fork of Horripilation - A Morrowind artifact for Skyrim

-BiPolar Blade - A Morrowind artifact for Skyrim

-Chrysamere - A Morrowind artifact for Skyrim

-Farkas Armor Fix

-NA - Scourge

-Knights of the Nine

-Bassem's extended Ring of Namira

-Bassem's Hoodless Archmage Robes

-Dragon Bone Weapons Complete

-Lycanthropy Infection

-Tougher Traps

-Better Pickpocketing

-Syynx's Stubborn Skeletons

-Civil War Cleanup

-Akaviri Samurai Armor

-Redguard Kinght Armor

-Hedge Knight Armor

-Vagabond Armor

-Warchief Armor

-Distant Detail

-Dwemer Spectres

-Moonpath to Elsweyr

-Clyde the Imga Follower

-Wisplicker Pahmar Follower

-Dragonhide Robes

-Unofficial Skyrim Patch

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If you disabled those mods, and you still have a problem, they are not the problem.


What you do is this: enable the first mod on the list, disable all others and try that mod with every other mod using only two mods total at a time. If you don't find the glitch, do it again with the second mod, and enable all mods, on at a time below that one on the list.





-Bards Instrument Fix as your first mod to test with, then enable Increased Bounty Rewards as your conflict testing mod.

No problem?

Disable increased bounty rewards, it is ok



-Midas Magic - Spells for Skyrim


No problem? OK, it is clean, disable it and try again with



-Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons

if it turns up clean, try with another one paired with bards instrument fix, et cetera ad infinitum until you find your problem. It's boring, but it works. Take not of the conflicting mods and then decide which ones to keep.

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There has been a new Skyrim patch recently. Are you up to date? Is your SKSE up to date? If you use Dragonscript is it up to date? (No dragonscript patch for latest Skyrim yet) Do any of your mods need updating?


Disable all mods, start a new game to test


If that works, then add a few at a time to see if you can find the conflicts. BOSS helps, as does Wrye Bash.

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