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More Mouse Problems


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I have been experiencing infrequent and irregular mouse lag and acceleration and have since added "iPresentInterval=0" to "SkyrimPrefs.ini" and "Skyrim.ini" and I've added "bMouseAcceleration=0" to "SkyrimPrefs.ini" to try to fix them. These changes have eliminated mouse lag and acceleration BUT only in some interface menus. The menus that no longer have this problem are; escape menu, local map, world map can be fixed by bringing up the local map.


So the point is I was wondering if anybody could take an educated guess as to why the changes have fixed the problem only on certain interfaces. If anybody could help me out that would be awesome. Thanks for reading.



Window 7

nVidia GTS 250



I have also tried FPS Limter with apparently no effect. Also This problem persists whether SkyUI is running or not.

Edited by charliemaynard
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  • 2 weeks later...
I had the same problem, and did all the fixes you did. And nothing. I got so fed up, that I went to best buy to buy a new mouse (cheap-o one). Literally had it in hand, then met this sales chick that games a lot. She insisted that I buy a gaming mouse (a logtech G400 MX518). So, I did, and hadn't had any mouse issues since. But it might have just been the optical light on my old mouse wad going bad. Anyway, I'm happy with the purchase.......
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