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Update for the banking mod


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Hi all. I realized something today as I was planing to take out a loan at the bank to buy something nice that this kind of normal modern economic banking system doesn't exist in Oblivion. Sure there is the great banking mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3172 that offers you the possibility to deposit money and get interest but you can't borrow to buy something nice faster at the cost of interest. It would be nice if you could borrow money to buy a house faster and for that to pay a monthly rate with a 20% interest on what sum you borrowed like in normal economy, so can anybody make a update for the banking mod to do just that?
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if you or anyone cant get permisson it might make things hard and diffecult as we might have to redo the mod very diffrent from the bank of cryodil my point is its best to wait for the reply


Col John Sheppard

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