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They're franchising their already popular series into something else. Just stick to the parts you like and cry somewhere else.


The two probably won't interact at all. They have different teams who work on either game.


Don't like it, don't play it. They're not doing any wrongs to anyone here.

Edited by dwellufool
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its no biggy dude, they're just makin some money, just be thankful they havent gone all blizzard on our arses and totally ruined TES by making it a single plyer online only game, but thats a different rant :P


at any rate, it looks rubbish, i dont think anyone really cares, it'll be a massive flop, you dont have to buy it, its not going to effect the series or any of beths games and well yeah that all sums it up, hell let make a huge mistake, its no skin off our back :)


but for the record i do think its a huge mistake and they shouldnt make it, but tbh i dont really care :P

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It's rather foolish to sit there and act like ESO won't have a profound effect on the next ES game, especially if its successful. Do try to remember that Bethesda answers to Zenimax.


If ESO is even remotely popular and Zenimax wants certain things from it in the next ES game, they'll be there. People flipped their collective **** when Skyrim was announced to be a Steamworks game. Imagine the outcry if the next game has D3-esque DRM or social networking features that have no business being there.


Pointed out perfectly. Bethesda Game Studios was aquired by Zenimax in 1999 so they pretty much own TES series.


Dan3345 - "Sometimes you gotta move on, and let em die slowly. I do think TES online is a step in the wrong direction. Lets all just enjoy skyrim (and hopefully fallout 4) while we have them, they won't be around much longer." -also this. 20 years from now Skyrim will be a classic, if the market then only provides dumbed games or tons of mmo's i will gladly play the classics again.

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keep calm and remember that TES:O is not in competition with TES:SP

it is in competition with WoW and all the other MMORPGs out there.

if it is successful it will be great but it won't take away from the SP game and Zenimax aren't going to shut out the large number of paying customers who prefer single player games that can be heavily customised.

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The demand for Skyrim as a single player game is way too high for Zenimax to turn into multiplayer. It's what Elder Scrolls is known for, and famous for. They are undoubtedly the #1 single player RPG series, they dominate the competition and the mere announcement of Elder Scrolls news makes most gamer's heads turn and news organizations cover it as soon as possible. Changing TES (Single player) reputation, or changing the formula right now would be stupid. Very very stupid. I'm sure Zenimax knows that.


They have taken the correct approach by starting a new studio for multiplayer.


The two games use vastly different engines, and having Bethesda Game Studios use anything but their engine would be a very bad decision, as you would have to *pay* for those employee's to get use too the new engine/produce the same content as before.


Overall, don't worry. This isn't blizzard we are talking about. The worst thing Zenimax has done is let other studios work on their intellectual property, and usually it's made pretty clear it's not the SAME company as the one everyone knows and loves.

Edited by Stormcrown
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From the RPS interview with Paul Sage:


RPS: Are you worried at all by the current state of the MMO market? I mean, EA recently launched SWTOR – which, like you, had strong story content and a beloved license behind it – but it’s already deflating due to a general feeling of “been there, done that” from players – especially in regard to endgame. How will Elder Scrolls avoid a repeat performance?


Paul Sage: It’s interesting because, when we say MMO, we just say the word as if it means something. And I know what you mean, but for us, the first thing is that it has to be a compelling game – a compelling RPG. So first, we plan out a number of hours. So when we’re planning internally, we’ll say, “OK, here’s the number of hours where we really have enough content.” Then what we look at is what’s repeatably fun and what actually works to be repeatable. And you heard me mention our dungeons at level 50, for instance, you can go in and replay, but it’s new content. It’s not the content you’ve seen before.


Paul says "It's interesting" far too much. "It's interesting" means "Yes, that could seriously hurt us, and I have no legitimate response".


After 30 MMOs, I have learned to have ZERO expectations. Ignore hype. Ignore the debates. Ignore the clueless rabble.


The game will either pop or it won't, but I foresee no impact on the rest of the series. It's an MMO. "Collect 10 Goblin butts and bring them thither!"

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This thread needs to be deleted, if you don't like it, don't buy it and stop complaining already. I'm actually looking forward to TES:O, finally something different. Don't dload it if you don't like it, you can go back to Morrowind for all I care. Edited by Systex
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Yeah who cares if this flops and the investors and marketing men convince bethesda not to do another first person fantasy game based on its name alone.



For War Craft they evolved the series from top down rts to pan camera MMo, The Elder scrolls seems to be taking a huge leap in the wrong direction for no apparent reson.


But I like most don't really care but Tes on-line should have been a first person game, then the people who were actualy interested in the fundamental selling point of this series might consider buying it.


I'm guessing this isn't the result of extensive market research...

Is gameing being dumbed down? or are we?

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Is gameing being dumbed down? or are we?

Gaming was always dumb, but with the occasional spark of brilliant entertainment tossed into the soup on rare occasions.


When I started "gaming", I had Legend of Zelda and Phantasy Star. By today's standards, they're garbage, but for their time they were cutting edge. I still had the option of going out and buying something terrible like Kung Fu which was awful and instantly binworthy even by late 80's/early 90s standards. In other words, the vast majority of games are total crap... Bethesda titles being a somewhat rare exception to that rule.


Truth is, ESO will probably look and play like any other MMO, which is a shame because, like you said, if they had stuck to some of the elements that appeal to people, it could be a somewhat revolutionary title. What's messed up is that, from the look of it, games like Mortal Online and Darkfall are going to be more like Elder Scrolls than Elder Scrolls Online will be, which is going to more closely resemble WoW, DDO, LOTRO, Aion and SWTOR.

Edited by Orsimon
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