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Such a pointless thread. The game won't come out for at least another two years. If people are still jumping on the "OMG NEW MMO!" hype by that time, pc gaming would have died before then. To be honest, MMO's died out with WoW and this won't be any different. The only multi-player TES needs is two people being able to join a game together. That's it. Just two heroes running around Tamriel slaying trolls and bandits.


co-op multiplayer is the only multiplayer worth having

personally I am not worried about the fate of TES after TES:O comes out. the markets are similar but different enough for TES to carry on as a single player game.

people who are going to stick with TES:O are probably playing WoW not Skyrim.

there was enough of a market to make Skyrim a viable proposition and that market will still be there for TES:VI, TES:VII, TES:VIII, etc.


what TES:O will hopefully do is pour loads of money in royalties into Bethesda's pockets and be used for developing new games fur us :D

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ok I'm not worried about this and no one else should, no point in being paronoid, unless you think that guy 20 feet back is following you home....


at the best possibility it could revitalize old fans into sticking with the elder scrolls even though they made a online mmorpg (yes i know Bethesda and zenimax aren't the same), and it could draw new players to the series thru the mmoprg and then they start playing the other ES titles and Bethesda grows and makes more single-player games.


at the worst case it totally messes up the installment of future single-player games, but we still have Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim with the mod tools and great communities like this one. with mods constantly being made by the community for the community TES 3, TES 4, TES 5 will never die.

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I could post a ton of details, but I'll make this short.


I'm not a fan of the "Gameplay" they are planning, but I have watched countless interviews with the Zenimax Online guy (Not sure his name, but he is a top dev/partner). He was extremely clear in making a point that the game will be extremely lore-accurate.


I will buy this game for the sole reason of exploring Tamriel, and enjoying the lore itself. I also want to experience this part of the second era as well.


Overall, if they stay true to the series, keep the lore extremely accurate, and make sure it is immersive, it will carry the gameplay. TES has never been known for its combat/etc, it has always been known and loved for its lore, immersion, and storytelling.


Immersion/Lore can "Carry" gameplay, gameplay can't carry Immersion/Lore.

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This thread is just an lol.


To those of you who don't want TES:O, you aren't being held at gunpoint and being forced to buy and play it, which means you should let those MMO people do their stuffs while you do your Elder Scrolls RPG stuffs.


And I do remember seeing a Morrowind thread stating that Morrowind couldn't be multiplayer, and it was stickied so I have come to the conclusion that it was a much asked question back in the day.


That being said, TES:O could be a good thing for the series. Perhaps some of the MMO-genre people will be like, "Hey, let's try Skyrim/Whatever the new thing is!" after playing the online version which means a bigger community and a chance of more (great) mod devs.

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This thread is just an lol.


To those of you who don't want TES:O, you aren't being held at gunpoint and being forced to buy and play it, which means you should let those MMO people do their stuffs while you do your Elder Scrolls RPG stuffs.


And I do remember seeing a Morrowind thread stating that Morrowind couldn't be multiplayer, and it was stickied so I have come to the conclusion that it was a much asked question back in the day.


That being said, TES:O could be a good thing for the series. Perhaps some of the MMO-genre people will be like, "Hey, let's try Skyrim/Whatever the new thing is!" after playing the online version which means a bigger community and a chance of more (great) mod devs.



And OP is nowhere to be found..


This is part of why companies are pulling away from developing on PC. The community is filled with entitled, whining brats who scream and through a fit when they don't get just what they asked for. You want TES 6? heres an MMO to tide you over while we finish up fallout 4 and then begin working on TES 6. Gimme a break, Bethesda isn't even working on the MMO, they are working on fallout 4. Nothing is happening to your precious elder scrolls.


And while your at it OP, quit being a shock jock, there is no conceivable way that an Elder Scrolls MMO could destroy mods.. None, zip..


Lol what did I read....

Edited by Dan3345
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It's rather foolish to sit there and act like ESO won't have a profound effect on the next ES game, especially if its successful. Do try to remember that Bethesda answers to Zenimax.


If ESO is even remotely popular and Zenimax wants certain things from it in the next ES game, they'll be there. People flipped their collective **** when Skyrim was announced to be a Steamworks game. Imagine the outcry if the next game has D3-esque DRM or social networking features that have no business being there.

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Stopping an mmo is like demanding McDonald to sell quality-fresh food, it obviously ain't gonna happen.


(Except for that one case with 38 studios shutting down.. Can you believe that many studios?!)

Edited by Joshico
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It's rather foolish to sit there and act like ESO won't have a profound effect on the next ES game, especially if its successful. Do try to remember that Bethesda answers to Zenimax.


If ESO is even remotely popular and Zenimax wants certain things from it in the next ES game, they'll be there. People flipped their collective **** when Skyrim was announced to be a Steamworks game. Imagine the outcry if the next game has D3-esque DRM or social networking features that have no business being there.

I see what your saying and to an extent you are right, but at that point I won't be buying anymore TES games or Bethesda games for that matter anyways.


Sometimes you gotta move on, and let em die slowly. I do think TES online is a step in the wrong direction. Lets all just enjoy skyrim (and hopefully fallout 4) while we have them, they won't be around much longer.

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