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Place ready script on player.


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Im very new to modding and also very green in programing/scripting (only know the very basics).


So. I made a little script that should affect the player right after the game loads in. (script probably wont work yet but that will be a later issue).


The script is ready, but i don't really know where to "attach" or add this script.


In the papyrus tutorial I learned how to add a script to an activator object like a stone, and write text on use.


Now my script should change stats on the player if he hits an enemy.


My only question is where should i add my script?


I tried object/actor/player added on that? Last time i tried it the game crashed after 1 sec it loaded, but maybe just because my code was wrong.


Thx for any help in forward.

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Thx gasti89 for the help.


Thanks to you I made some prorgress.



I created an alteration cast spell for it to just test it.


Now it is working but it don't want to stack somewhy.


I made a counter for it like:


float n


Event ...


n = n + 0.5


function +1 + n happen




It looks like the game dont store counters on spells like on objects at all. Only 1.5 happens every time and it dont increase for the next use.


I basicly used this part of the tutorial to make things happen differently after more use.




But it looks like spells work differently?





Fixed the thing by just using game.getplayer().getscale() so I don't have to store information seperatly now.

Edited by Epicolor
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  • 9 months later...

I don't want to open a new topic so here we go again with a problem.

The mod last time I was trying to create was done and worked. But now that I wanted to improve it, since then I lost the mod because of a reinstall.

I tried to recreate my mod but somehow I can't make it work.. The part of the script of "what to do" is working seperatly, but I forgot how to make the "when to do part".

So here is my basic code:

Scriptname NamiraMod extends activemagiceffect

Event OnInit()

Debug.MessageBox("Mod is Active")


;This even onactive part probably wrong, I tried also Function Feed(), Function StartCannibal() etc.
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

; Some Random Things to happen here will get extended (placeholder)

float playerscale

playerscale = game.getplayer().getscale()

playerscale = playerscale + 1.005
Debug.MessageBox("Scale changed!")


What I want is when you have the Namira's ring equiped, and you start eating a corpse, you get bigger during the feed animation. (when this is done I will change that placeholder to weight and stat change and to SKSE code)

Last time it worked well but I cant make it work again. I just forgeting out something, and now I starting to mess things up because I don't know what to fix, so there will be probably more error also.

So currently I try it to attach the script to "DA11NamiraBlessingEffect" MagicEffect.

But maybe I should add it to the Item it self, or to the Perk "DA11Cannibalism".

Don't know the answer.

Or maybe I just need the right Event or Function line to make it work when it should work.





Tipical, just when I try to ask for help after 2 days of searching I find the answer my self.



I just implemented my script in the line of an already existing one in the DA11Cannibalism Perk. (atleast I now Have a documentation for my self here lol)



;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname PRKF_DA11Cannibalism_000EE5C3 Extends Perk Hidden
Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akTargetRef, Actor akActor)
Game.GetPlayer().StartCannibal(akTargetRef as Actor)
DA11CannibalismAbility.Cast(Game.GetPlayer(), Game.GetPlayer())
DA11CannibalismAbility02.Cast(Game.GetPlayer(), Game.GetPlayer())
float playerscale
playerscale = game.getplayer().getscale()
playerscale = playerscale + 0.1
Debug.MessageBox("Scale changed")
;Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(DA11CannibalismAbility02, abVerbose= false)
;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment
PlayerVampireQuestScript Property PlayerVampireQuest Auto
Edited by Epicolor
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