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Will the Crossbow replace the bow as the Assassin's weapon?


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Bow and crossbow present different concepts when coming to kills. The bow can be quickly redrawn and used for extremely quick hits, often with the ability to take out 3-4 enemies in oone sneak raid whilst it seems the crossbow will be a high power-slow reload weapon, ideal for tougher enemies, but only good for two shots before being discovered
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My only hope thet when the DLC come out somebody will make a good flintlock rifle mod wiht the the crossbow animation so finaly I can fill out my flintlock rifle dreams in skyrim but also a few nicely made crossbows are going to be good too: :D
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Sure seems that way. Yes, it is slower but much faster, does more damage and seems more likely to ensure a OSOK kill than a bow. Thoughts?

TBH everything in dawnguard looks overpowered..From the vampire lord to the crossbow, it looks like Bethesda just through out balanced gameplay. I have to go but I will explain more later.

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I think that during reloading or when putting the first bolt,the crossbow makes some noise,which makes it less useful to the assassins in general.Someone correct me if I am wrong.But this probably won't mean much in a game when unsheathing a dagger makes some deafining noise and enemies don't notice it. Edited by Amphibian
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I suspect that the game will not see a significant amount of difference in power, range or speed for either bow type and the advantages/disadvantages of each bow type within the game will be strictly based upon personal preference, and likely a visual preference, rather than anything utilitarian.


In the real world the crossbow was a much simpler "tool" that didn't require much training or strength to use and still achieve an acceptable level of ability. A long bow required much more training and strength to use effectively and efficiently, whereas a few hours training with a crossbow saw a relatively effective crossbowman ready for the field.


As for power and speed, well an arrow hitting someone at 180fps will kill them just as effectively as one at 250fps so the speed of the arrow is relatively moot. While the crossbow projectile could be somewhat faster, power comes from the weight and aerodynamics of the projectile.

Crossbow bolts tend to be somewhat lighter and shorter than an arrow due to the constraints in crossbow design and practicality of use. One could make a crossbow bolt of the weight and length of an arrow, but the "bow" itself would then be rather impractical to use, carry or probably even lift/balance to shoot properly given the size requirements of the bow and bed to accommodate the projectile.

Range is also an issue, but given the current limitations in the game now for projectile effectiveness over distance, it isn't much of an issue as both projectile types will only fly as far as the game mechanics allow. The crossbow does have a longer range in the real world, but in the game most shots will be made well within the range of either type of bow and the game mechanics will limit distance to be the same range for both bow types.


While the crossbow is likely more aesthetically pleasing in some manner for some individuals, my thought has always been the crossbow is a tool easily mastered by the untrained, inexperienced and weaker individual whereas as the bow requires skill, strength and experience to master.


I think preference will be based on visuals, immersion and "feel" within the game rather than any practical application or character type. To me, an assassin with a crossbow would be like an assassin with a two handed sword. Why have a cumbersome, heavy tool when a bow is simple, elegant, light and gets the job done.

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