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ENB Mod Help Please


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I need help with ENB preset mods. I read the "instructions" but don't understand them really. Is there anyone who can give me or point me to a step by step guide for ENB mods? I literally need someone to show me the file path I need to take to get to certain places to put the mods. A legit step by step guide because Im getting frustrated over how dumb I feel that I can't understand/get this to work! This would include what files need to be downloaded and everything! Thanks in advance :)


Edit: I suppose a fairly detailed guide would be good as well. Im just terrible with this stuff!

Edited by Carverko
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Just send me a pm and I will be happy to walk you through it. And don't worry. We all had to start sometime. :thumbsup:


Just let me know which one you want to install and I will help you get it up and running. There are a lot of them on Nexus so find one that suits your personal taste. :)

Edited by Staind716
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