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Enhanced Perk Point


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I havent seemed to get this mod to work in a while-


It seems to be the only mod of its sort...



I need a mod that you can multiply your perk points -


Enhanced Perk Point works like this:


Set perks at start up.


Set perks per level.


Set bonus perks


set bonus perk level


set perk change at certain level.




the only thing i found to reset perks is Paid Perk Reset -


A whole lot of mods that add new PERKS


but no customizable perk point mod...


Can anyone explain why Enhanced wont work anymore or why there arent any similar mods?


Or if oyu know of one can you point me to it.

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Check out the uncapper. Just search for "uncapper." Im pretty sure there's a function that allows you to gain more perk points per level, so poke around there. Perk points are a pain because there is no console command to add perk points. If you give a better explanation as to exactly what it is you are trying to do, it would make it easier to help.
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