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Ask for some help with a special Trap!


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Hello Guys,

i am working now nearly 200 hrs on a (bit too) large Player/Quest-House Combination, most of the time of course sacrificed with learning by doing (first work with CK), but this Trap i am not get able to work makes me crazy, specialy after it took ages to figure out how the COAWeaponRacks are working correctly...) Maybe someone can help me out here, that i can make steps forward. (couldn't find any Tutorial matching this)



2 simple Rooms, you have to pass the "Trap-Room" to get to the "Treasure-Room".

But i want the Traps in the Trap-Room first get activated if the Treasure is picked up from the "TrapNorPressurePedestal" so that they are active on the Way back.


Traproom: (Problem)

ONLY if the Treasure is taken, there should appear a "TrapTriggerBox" in the middle of the Trap-Room, which with Player-collussion starts "PortGatePoles" coming up at both Doors, so that you are locked up, and after 15sec delay the "TrapDweFlamePillar" or alternativly "TrapNorFlamethrower" should start.


-There is a Switch hidden in the Trap-Room to remove the Poles, the Switch is working but it should also be not usable before the Trap is not active.

-If the Trap is startet and the Switch is not gonna be used by the Player the Poles should automaticly remove after ~20sec. (if thats possible at all) So you even can survive if u don't find the Switch to open the Doors.


-The FireTrap have to end after leaving the Room/the TrapTriggerBox (or after ~15sec)


-The FireTrap and the upcoming Poles should be a 1 Time Event. Switches can still work.


Hope you understand my description that way, sorry for possible wrong english.

Thanks for any kind of help!


greetz Paul

Edited by paul5555
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Maybe there is a way just to let pop-up the TriggerBox, after activating the Pedestal?


This would be the main important think, for the other Options, i maybe can find ways arround.

Edited by paul5555
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Maybe there is a way just to let pop-up the TriggerBox, after activating the Pedestal?


This would be the main important think, for the other Options, i maybe can find ways arround.


I would think that you could simply place a Trigger Volume in the room (using the CK, I think it's the "T" icon) and set it to be initially disabled. Just right-click on its reference in the Render Window of the CK and in the settings dialogue somewhere there should be an option for it to start disabled. Then have a small script on the treasure/pedestal that enables the Trigger Volume when the treasure is activated/picked up.

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