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MODDERS - Permanent fix for L/R hand bug


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As most of you may know, if you add a weapon to the favorite menu that you have 2 or more of, equipping two of that same weapon in both the left and right hands does not work. I have discovered a permanent fix, and yes, it works with vanilla weapons and mods as well, however I am far too lazy to actually create a mod to fix it. It requires editing every weapon in the game.


In the Creation Kit, double click any one-handed weapon form to open the form editor. In the center section near the top right, you will see a drop down menu with equipable hand options. The default for one-handed weapons is "right hand". Switching this to "either hand" fixes the favorites menu L/R problem permanently for the weapons that were edited. It's kind of plainly obvious... I'm not sure how no one has caught onto this yet. I just started modding a week ago.


I am lazy, I hope someone will come along who is not.



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