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kratzkites - BANNED

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kratzkites banned.





promoting piracy through the upload of official DLCs with the full knowledge we do not allow piracy



Hello thank you for downloading this

im sorry i dont want to put the mod on nexas of the risk of it getting deleted

this link is for the fallout new vegas dlcs

ive notice there is no good link anywhere

took me hours just to find the dlcs so i put them here at this link hopefully they stay

everyone who doesnt want to pay 20-40 some dollars for the dlc will enjoy this link

ONCE AGAIN i am sorry you have to go threw all of this but its well worth it if you dont want to pay money plus

its free so you cant really complain can you anyway enjoy the free dlcs JUST COPY AND PASTE THE LINK


[Link Removed]




We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned.



Reference post




Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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