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Trouble with the MCM and F4SE


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So. The long version is, I accidently Uninstalled the Pip-Pad incorrectly, and couldn't get it to reinstall properly. Going back isn't really an option at this moment, since I'm on survival. When I tried reinstalling the Pip-Pad, I realized the MCM wasn't showing up on my pause menu. I double checked that I had the most recent version of F4SE, my game was up to date, and the most recent version of the MCM, and still no dice. The files are in my data folder, they appear to be installed correctly, but I'm still having issues. I will post my load order if need be, but almost everything I have installed are cosmetic changes, a few armor mods, and patches for Horizon.
The short version is, I did a dumb, borked my game, and realized something else was wrong.
Whatever the issue is, it's effecting everything. I decided to try and test something, and started a new game, using Start Me Up, and the game crashed to desktop about thirty seconds after I picked up the pip-pad in vault 111, as I was scrolling through the menus. I will post my Load Order, courtesy of LOOT, below. Any help would be appreciated.

0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
254 FE 0 ccbgsfo4001-pipboy(black).esl
254 FE 1 ccbgsfo4003-pipboy(camo01).esl
254 FE 2 ccbgsfo4004-pipboy(camo02).esl
254 FE 3 ccbgsfo4006-pipboy(chrome).esl
254 FE 4 ccbgsfo4014-pipboy(white).esl
254 FE 5 ccbgsfo4005-bluecamo.esl
254 FE 6 ccbgsfo4016-prey.esl
254 FE 7 ccbgsfo4020-powerarmorskin(black).esl
254 FE 8 ccbgsfo4022-powerarmorskin(camo01).esl
254 FE 9 ccbgsfo4023-powerarmorskin(camo02).esl
254 FE a ccbgsfo4025-powerarmorskin(chrome).esl
254 FE b ccbgsfo4033-powerarmorskinwhite.esl
254 FE c ccbgsfo4024-pacamo03.esl
254 FE d ccbgsfo4038-horsearmor.esl
254 FE e ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl
254 FE f ccfrsfo4001-handmadeshotgun.esl
254 FE 10 cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl
254 FE 11 ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl
254 FE 12 ccfsvfo4003-slocum.esl
254 FE 13 ccgcafo4001-factionws01army.esl
254 FE 14 ccgcafo4002-factionws02acat.esl
254 FE 15 ccgcafo4004-factionws04gun.esl
254 FE 16 ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl
254 FE 17 ccgcafo4011-factionws11vt.esl
254 FE 18 ccgcafo4012-factionas01acat.esl
254 FE 19 ccgcafo4014-factionas03gun.esl
254 FE 1a ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl
254 FE 1b ccgcafo4017-factionas06inst.esl
254 FE 1c ccgcafo4019-factionas08nuk.esl
254 FE 1d ccgcafo4022-factionas11vt.esl
254 FE 1e ccswkfo4002-pipnuka.esl
254 FE 1f ccswkfo4003-pipquan.esl
254 FE 20 ccbgsfo4053-dggoldr.esl
254 FE 21 ccbgsfo4056-dglabb.esl
254 FE 22 cceejfo4002-nuka.esl
7 7 cczsef04001-bhouse.esm
8 8 cctosfo4001-neosky.esm
9 9 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
10 a ArmorKeywords.esm
11 b Z_Architect.esm
254 FE 23 CROSS_2077.esp
254 FE 24 TheKite_Railroad_Handmaiden.esp
254 FE 25 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp
254 FE 26 CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp
254 FE 27 CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp
254 FE 28 CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp
12 c OVT.esp
13 d Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn.esp
14 e Z_Horizon.esp
15 f Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn_DLC.esp
16 10 Z_Horizon_DLC_All.esp
17 11 LootableCrates.esp
18 12 gentlestartv111.esp
19 13 Armorsmith Extended.esp
20 14 SuperMutantRedux.esp
21 15 MojaveImports.esp
22 16 Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtended.esp
23 17 Z_Horizon_DEFUI.esp
24 18 Z_Horizon_MojaveImports.esp
25 19 LootableCrates MergedDLCs.esp
26 1a Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp
27 1b SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp
28 1c Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
29 1d DeadlierDeathclaws.esp
30 1e powerarmort49.esp
31 1f Preydiation Suit.esp
32 20 llamaCompanionHeather.esp
33 21 NMC Bundle MEDIUM.esp
34 22 CombustibleLemons.esp
35 23 CBBE.esp
36 24 TheKite_Railroad_Handmaiden AE patch.esp
37 25 Sporty Underwear.esp
38 26 EAC-Horizon-Patch.esp
39 27 Z_Horizon_Diff_Wanderer.esp
40 28 Z_Horizon_Mode_Scavenger.esp
41 29 Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtendedDLC.esp
42 2a Z_Architect_Extras.esp
43 2b Z_Extras.esp
44 2c WastelandCodex.esp
45 2d TrueGrass.esp
46 2e CommonwealthConifersREDUX.esp
47 2f Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
48 30 Pilgrim.esp
49 31 CROSS_Jetpack.esp
50 32 Tactical Flashlights.esp
51 33 Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp
52 34 AD_CrossBreakActionLaser-Horizon_Patch.esp
53 35 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
54 36 OWR.esp
55 37 HorizonArmorModsArmoryActivator.esp
56 38 HorizonTacticalFlashlightsPatch.esp
57 39 HorizonBrotherhoodReconPatch.esp
58 3a HorizonMojaveHunterPatch.esp
59 3b Classic Combat Armor.esp
60 3c Swingin' Baby!.esp
61 3d KSHairdos.esp
62 3e LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
63 3f Glowing Eyes.esp
64 40 FM_Wasteland_Mashups.esp
65 41 FM_Commonwealth_Mashups.esp
66 42 FM_Badlands_Mashups.esp
67 43 MiscHairstyle.esp
68 44 K9TacticalHarness.esp
69 45 th1nkEyebot.esp
70 46 th1nkEyeBot-FarHarbor.esp
71 47 th1nkEyeBot-NukaWorld.esp
72 48 th1nkEyeBot-DLC03DLC04Addon.esp
73 49 th1nkEyeBot-CheatRecipesAiO.esp
74 4a th1nkEyeBot-WeightlessMiscModsAiO.esp
75 4b LookingStranger.esp
76 4c LooksMirror.esp
77 4d KSHairdos_oel.esp
78 4e HeatherRedux.esp
79 4f Femshepping_wanderercollection.esp
80 50 FemsheppingsLightBrawlerOutfits.esp
81 51 HN66Fo4_EasyGirl_BS.esp
82 52 NukaRadBans.esp
83 53 rpampas.esp
84 54 llamaCompanionHeather-VIS-G - AE Patch.esp
85 55 SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp
86 56 EFF.esp
87 57 D.E.C.A.Y.esp
88 58 StartMeUp.esp
89 59 PIP-Pad.esp
90 5a PIP-Pad_LMCC.esp
Edited by HackerSauce
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I'm pretty sure you don't have a compatible version of MCM if your game is up to date

that is because the game was updated yesterday , I believe F4SE was also updated , but MCM wasn't yet updated to work with these new versions

so you should probably wait until MCM gets updated (which should probably happen soon anyhow)

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