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A New Style... A New Way... (Walk Animation Mod)


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So recently I've been going around, just trying to find the perfect mod for walking and running animations but I am not even successful yet. But, the thing is this has been hiding under my nose this whole time and it isn't even a mod at all just a Fallout 4 mechanic. Basically whenever you run/walk with your fists out and they are lowered to you're hips, you will have this head tracking ability and be able to actually rotate and maneuver it in ways you wouldn't with the sheathed free cam. I have a video demonstration that shows off the mechanic and what it is capable of doing.


Video (Click Me!)

Edited by RageYT0
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The head tracking is good, it's a small detail, something most people probably would't notice unless pointed out.


I had to watch the video 3 times to pick up on all the differences (well, two and a half)


But is simply changing the default walk to this, would that mean you could not ever look at the front of your character?

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