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Companion quest broken.


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I went to join the companions and after talking to Kodlak after he stands up and says "What matters is their heart." and Vilkas says "And their arm......" they just stand there and say nothing. I cant talk to them it says "This person is busy" and they just stand like that indefinitely. I cannot join the companions because of this. This bug did not occur until either I installed the latest update or the new beta update for Skyrim. I'm not sure which it has been a while since I did this quest. Does anyone else have this problem? Or know how to fix it?
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I hate to ask this: have you tried re-loading a previous save game? I'm not a tech support dude, I just use a lot of Console Commands, so I can't help much beyond that.


You could probably try placeatme.*vilcas' ID* and the just de-activate the other vilcas if all goes as planned and the quest triggers properly.

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