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Overwelmed with quests, how do you refrain?


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runa round and kill stuff, explore, focus one only one area of your quests. ex do only the main, college of, companions, or just focus on the mic quest.


focusing on any one quest line narrows and sharpens your focus so you say interested longer.

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Yes, contrary to people complaining about being given no choices, a lot of quests do have an option to say no, and if you say no, a lot of them don't seem to be offered a second time. At least in my experience.
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I know how you all feel and I have to agree with a lot of what's been said. At first I was going out of my way to avoid "yet another quest" but now I'm finally running out of things to do (level 58). I found it hard to try and stay in one vicinity because it seemed you were always sent to the hold that was the farthest away all the time. I also agree that the game doesn't do a good job of getting you emotionally involved with the NPC's. A lot of the time I'm clicking away with my mouse to skip most of the boring dialog that drones on and on. ;)


I've said it before... this game could have been epic. Too bad it's only pretty darn good (with mods). :)

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