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Any reason modders can't control the comments section?


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You do realize that you can report any post you don't want to appear and we will go ahead and delete it. We simply reserve the right to see what's being deleted for the protection of everyone involved.
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You do realize that you can report any post you don't want to appear and we will go ahead and delete it. We simply reserve the right to see what's being deleted for the protection of everyone involved.


I wasn't actually aware of that, thanks.


I might re-release it in a bit, I want to change it up some and add some more content.


First go, meh.

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It seems to defeat the purpose of a comment system if the author is just allowed to delete unfavorable comments. I like having the mod staff handle trolls and leave the regular comments. Some people just aren't going to like your mod and they might have a valid reason why.
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On a related note, others might have suggested this before but it'd be nice to have a section just above the commenting tab where the mod author can post some FAQs. It dawned to me that most commenters don't bother to read the description page and ask questions that have been answered time and time again. There are times I feel like -99 the comments that repeatedly ask the same questions, but then I'd be hiding the vast majority of the comments... Edited by Isilmeriel
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On a related note, others might have suggested this before but it'd be nice to have a section just above the commenting tab where the mod author can post some FAQs. It dawned to me that most commenters don't bother to read the description page and ask questions that have been answered time and time again. There are times I feel like -99 the comments that repeatedly ask the same questions, but then I'd be hiding the vast majority of the comments...


Yeah my issue was solely related to the fact that people cannot/will not read the readme that's provided on the mod webpage.


They either can't find it or won't.


Now we can debate all day whether it's in a good spot, or if it's visible enough or if it just plain should be removed and let modders put all the information on the main description page - a totally different conversation.


However, as it IS a part of the website I think it's fair that modders can use it for the readme related stuff they wish to not include in the description for whatever reason, and that likewise people should read that instead of posting again and again that the information isn't there, when it clearly is.


I totally agree with your point as it is exactly this problem I was having.


I found that I would also be hiding all but maybe 1 of the 13 comments the mod got before I took the page down.

Edited by thefinn
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My experience of the site was like this:

I uploaded my mod, I filled out every single section of the mod page.

I did a README, I did the changelogs for new versions, I made it NMM compatible so version numbers would present themselves correctly in NMM, I put up pics and even made a video.


Then for 13 comments all I got were morons telling me how there wasn't enough information, and they shouldn't have to download the mod to read the readme, and how it was cheap of me trying to get high download numbers (how does this help me?) by making people download the mod to read the readme and how I should put the spell descriptions in the description page.


I got *1* reply which was feedback regarding the mod, and not the information ABOUT the mod - and it was favourable.


It's like every brainless zombie in the world logged onto nexus that day and had to download my mod.


Not sure if nexus staff are reading this anymore, but perhaps the layout of that page could/should change to get the README - which is kinda important - to not be the last icon in that section.

Edited by thefinn
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I usually look for the readme at the readme tab. It would be great if your Description is not the Readme (which I think is fine) then it might be a good idea to note in the description to see the Readme on the readme tab.


However I would not have minded cleaning those idiot comments off that thread and this is why: once one idiot makes a nonsensical point like that, it seems like the lemmings like to jump on the nonsense bandwagon without ever thinking things through.



@Stemin: if you are seriously going to make that argument, I'll quote you:


It seems to defeat the purpose of a comment system if the author is just allowed to delete unfavorable comments. I like having the mod staff handle trolls and leave the regular comments. Some people just aren't going to like your mod and they might have a valid reason why.


.. it just proves to me that you either have not read the Terms of Service regarding commenting rules, or you failed to comprehend what you read.


For example, we have someone today making a false accusation that a modder planted a game breaking virus in her mod, an insidious little virus it is too, because it has only detonated in one of 4000 plus downloads. :rolleyes:


Even if there is a rare harmless comment that a modder has asked to have removed for their own reasons, what harm is there in deleting it. The mod page is the Modder's area, imagine it if you will as a booth at a convention. Someone walks by and sticks a yellow sticker on the table, the modder doesn't think should belong there, where he or she is presenting their wares to the world. It may even confuse people who associate the yellow sticker with something completely different. I come along and disinfect and remove the sticker. Problem solved.

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@Stemin: if you are seriously going to make that argument, I'll quote you:


It seems to defeat the purpose of a comment system if the author is just allowed to delete unfavorable comments. I like having the mod staff handle trolls and leave the regular comments. Some people just aren't going to like your mod and they might have a valid reason why.


.. it just proves to me that you either have not read the Terms of Service regarding commenting rules, or you failed to comprehend what you read.


For example, we have someone today making a false accusation that a modder planted a game breaking virus in her mod, an insidious little virus it is too, because it has only detonated in one of 4000 plus downloads. :rolleyes:


Even if there is a rare harmless comment that a modder has asked to have removed for their own reasons, what harm is there in deleting it. The mod page is the Modder's area, imagine it if you will as a booth at a convention. Someone walks by and sticks a yellow sticker on the table, the modder doesn't think should belong there, where he or she is presenting their wares to the world. It may even confuse people who associate the yellow sticker with something completely different. I come along and disinfect and remove the sticker. Problem solved.


What does that have to do with someone who just honestly doesn't like the mod?


Example: I download a mod that's supposed to add a new armor, but it doesn't specifically say it's a replacer. I comment, 'Hey, this is a great mod, but I don't like that it replaces x armor. You should have put that in the title." Someone else might find that useful information.


Or I download an armor and it doesn't look as good as the screen shots. Etc. etc.


If a modder can just remove those comments at his/her whim, it doesn't really help the community.


To me the above scenario that you listed is a situation that should be moderated. It's a false accusation. To me that's a troll maneuver.

Edited by Stemin
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