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[Question] Can an enchantment attach a script to items enchanted with it?


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I'm trying to create an enchantment that remains on the enchanted items, even after the mod is uninstalled.

The only way I know to accomplish this is if the enchantment attaches a script with the affects of the enchantment directly to the equipment.
This is because, as far as I know, Skyrim keeps a memory of any scripts, including mod scripts, in the save files.

However, just having the script on the MGEF won't work, since the MGEF will be removed if the mod is uninstalled, taking the script away unless the script is attached to the weapon directly.

Is there a way to accomplish attaching a script directly to equipment via enchanting it?

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* The scripts are stored under Data/Scripts and they stay there as long as one does not remove them. That is why scripts will work even with unloaded esp file.


But why the effect should live longer than the mod it brought the effect into the game ?

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But why the effect should live longer than the mod it brought the effect into the game ?


• I find it bothersome when I enchant something with a custom name, and find it in storage in my player home later on, missing it's enchantment, even if I re-install the mod the enchant came from.

• The enchantments are semi-copies of already present enchantments and abilities, but different. Akin to Fiery Soul Trap, but with Frost or Shock instead - same magnitude, different element, for example.

• Some people want a mod to learn an enchantment, enchant stuff with the enchantment, and then remove the mod to remove the items from their game, or such. My friend used such a mod that had enchantments that did nothing on the enchanted item, but disenchanting them resulted in the no-effect enchantment's "base enchantment" being learned - EnchArmorFortifySneak06 "Fortify Sneak" - though I am unaware if said enchantment remained in their enchanting list after they uninstalled the mod, due to one of the enchantment names simply being a period, the enchantment itself seems to have stayed on the objects that were enchanted.

• People should be able to keep enchantments on their spiffy gear. If they don't want the gear they enchanted themselves anymore, they can sell it, drop it, use console commands to remove them, whatever. I personally would like enchantments to stick. That's the point of enchanting things - So they'll be enchanted.

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Okay, so after some investigations I did not find any solution for this. I thought we could attach a script to an item at runtime but it seems we cannot.


However you could split your mod into 2 files where the base file are the enchantments only and the other the rest. The base mod must still be active but any other stuff can be removed safely. If you want to have the enchantments of a mod from someone else you are free to modify that mod at your will.

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