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video card question?


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Just got my new laptop, it is an AMD turion 64 X2 mobile tech, TL-60 2.00 GHz, 3.00 Gb ram, 32-bit op sys, Nvidia gforce 7150m, and running oblivion on slow motion, is there a problem with my specs or what? I really appreciate the help. Still not very good with all this stuff.
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Well, I guess it's because the integrated graphic card in your system , it will play it good at 640x480 or 800x600 and low detail settings but not higher than that, unfortunately.


Also try this:

-Start, Right-click- My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab, under “Performance” hit Settings, Advanced tab. Now under “Virtual Memory”, change it to 1.5 or 2GB. Restart for change to take effect.


Next, you will probably need to update your video drivers, unless you already did that-


-Make sure Vsync is off, both in-game and on your video card as well; right-click Destkop, Properties, Settings, Advanced, and look for the option to toggle it on and off. The location varies, so I'm not sure for the exact location.

Make sure Anti-Aliasing and Antistrophic filtering are off both in game and/or on your video card.


Hope this helps :smile:

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i've noticed that resolution doesn't make much fps hit so might as well just run it on highest res on your laptop


run the tweaks for oblivion found at tweakguides.com


lighting (HDR, BLOOM, etc) doesn't make much difference in FPS so might as well turn that on too


set texture size to medium, turn grass=0 tree at 25 actor at 25 and objects at 25


download operation optimization, bomrets reduced texture mods, streamline 3.0 (turn off streamsmooth see read me) and polygone


all of these are found at tesnexus.com just type in "operation" "bomret" "streamline" 'poly" as keyterms


hope that helps



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