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(retexture) Little problem with stormcloak armor - help!


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I did successfully retexture the short sleeved version of the Stormcloak Cuirass. I did set the chainmal sleeves to be transparent, because I didn't need them...


However, if you look at your character from a bottom perspective, you can see a 2d texture near the end of the invisible chainmal. It is slightly larger than the arm.

It is dark brown and there is nothing like that painted in the dds file, except for the legs part. So, I'm wondering where the heck that texture comes from...

I did discover you can find that texture in the original armor too...but it is hidden by the chainmal. The only way to notice it is with the tfc console command. You have to enter inside of the arm.

As you can see from the uploaded pics below, I did partially alter the color of the texture...buy I can't really figure out the location of the altered pixels. They might come from the leg texture part...but it seems really strange to me a leg texture applies to an arm part too!


Can someone help please?

I'm creating a Gothic 1 expansion pack for Skyrim. The mod is almost finished (80%). When it will be out, you will be credited. Yeah...this armor is inspired to the Light Rogue's Dress (Lares gang)!


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It's not strange at all that they've mapped that to the legs, it's an unimportant piece just to cover the hole it seems. Just paint it pink and check.

Or open in nifskope the model and see the uv map.

Edited by FrankFamily
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@FrankFamily Thank you...yes you were right: the UV map did link to the legs section. After a few edits, I managed to understand how to edit the UV map properly (that's the first UV map I edit in my life). You will be credited and I will get in touch with you



Does this armor look similar to the Gothic counterpart? I'm just curious... Of course, it's only inspired. I did not intend to create a perfect clone!


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