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Territory Mod?


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This would probably be too difficult to mod in, but I've always loved the idea of a territory/conquest mod.


The idea would be kinda mount and blade-y where each location in the game could be captured and claimed by the many different factions (Minutement, Raiders, Gunners, etc).


That base idea would be really cool, but then you could expand upon it by giving each territory areas of control in which patrols of that faction could be found. Battles for territory could also be encountered and the whole territory system could just go on in the background while the player does whatever.


There are lots more you can add upon this, such as trading, building and upgrading, production, etc. In my opinion it would be awesome and a really cool game changer, though probably too hard to mod and script and all that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, this would almost be like a skyrim civil war sorta thing, only with multiple factions, each trying to claim / hold various assets. Perhaps each such territory asset would have a specific in game purpose, such as boosting wood or stone production or something to get a real reason to actually want to control all of them.

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