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Need Help: Creating a perk that adds other existing perks.


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I'm very new to scripting in Papyrus, but I do understand basic programming logic (if, then, else, looping, etc.). What I'm looking to do is to create a perk that I call "Master Smith" that essentially does what the "Warmonger" perk did in Fallout 3, which is to add all of the perks that smith weapons and armor. I've had a hard time searching for the information I need. In fact, the Creation Kit Wiki is severely lacking in clear documentation. Do I need to use an Event that adds them when I get the perk or is it as simple as calling player.addperk PerkFormID? Help, I'm stuck.
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You can create a perk that includes the functionality of all the perks you want by simply looking through all the perks you want to combine, and inputting that data into the new perk, then it is as simple as player.addperk xxxxxxxx. No scripting needed
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I wish it were that simple. The problem is that every crafting recipe references a "HasPerk Perk:xxxxxSmithing == 1". There's no functionality to copy, it's purely "Do I have the perk? Yes or no." I need a way to enable a group of smithing perks (e.g. Daedric smithing, steel smithing, etc.).
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