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Nick Valentine Refit to 3rd Gen


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It's interesting that Curie, a "Ms Handy" robot can be transferred into a 3rd Gen Synth. Why can't we do this with Nick Valentine? He's one of the best companions, and part of the main quest to find the Sole Survivor's son. A little payback should be in order. Dr. Amari indicates that there are multiple "brain dead" synths, with caretakers, whose memory wipes failed. They are also experienced in synth facial reconstruction. They could transfer Valentine into a 3rd gen male synth body and make him look any way he wants. He sounds quite a bit like Humphrey Bogart, why shouldn't he look the part.


I propose a short quest mod that gives the player an option to give Valentine a 3rd gen upgrade after his companion quest is completed. I'm not talking about a retex, or something that makes him a 3rd gen synth outright. Those mods already exist. I want an upgrade option.

Edited by Richwizard
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Well, since it's a nice request, I found a link I remembered. Hope this helps. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15094 I don't have a clue as to how to add a story line to this mod, if I tried, I'd probably crash the internet. I wouldn't mind doing a quest. I wonder if Dr. Amari has another synth body around.

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I've seen that mod. It changes Nick to a 3rd gen outright. That's not what I'm looking for, as I indicated at the end of my first post. I want that look, but as sn upgrade option after his vanilla quest is complete. I'd like the vanilla quest to trigger a new quest that leads to a 3rd gen upgrade.
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