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[Assistance needed] Create object in reference - Repeatable

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Hello, im currently working on a mod that has a quest which spawns a note in a container during the quest.

Im kinda stuck so any assistance would be appreciated so i can finally upload this thing.



The spawned note uses alias text fill replacement and when you read it, advances the quest.

The idea here was to make it so that once you complete the quest, you can actually re-do it with the note respawning in the container after 1 day in-game.


Heres the issue though; once the quest is completed, the note just wont respawn.


I could just make a normal note and set the container to respawn but i need the alias text replacement in the note.



Things ive tried: Playing around with ''Allow repeated stages'', use ''ThisQuest.Reset()'' and ''ThisQuest.Start()'' in the end stage which is set to complete.
Also tried setting the next quest to this quest but that didnt budge either.


I think im missing something out here. The mod itself works but im only stuck at making the stupid note respawn. lol


Would be cool if you helped me out here. Pretty sure its just some checkbox somewhere or a script i dont know of. This isnt very well documented either apparently.


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Is the note spawn attached to a queststage? Bc I think that's the key. Setup the note to spawn on say stage 1 check run on start and have the quest be repeatable and have it start game enabled. I don't think it's much more complicated than that. As far as using a timer. I'd get it repeatable first. Then add in that functionality later.
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Hello, thanks for your reply.
This is pretty much what ive tried as well but it still doesnt respawn.
Im not too worried about the timer since its just a thing i can hammer in there at a later point.


The note is created through a quest alias in the quest so i assume it gets spawned on whatever stage makes the quest actually start.

No matter how, it seems im stuck. lol


I though about adding the note to the container and set the container to just respawn to get a new note after a few in-game days but then the text replacement in the note doesnt work.


Thank you, maybe ill figure this out one day. haha

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Update: i got it working, sort of.
Ive done my thing and then ive simply added the note reference alias to the mailbox. Now atleast the note ''respawns'' in it. Now the issue is it shows the same target than it did before. The quest alias its pinpointing to are random boss enemies in various dungeons.
So far using .Reset() hasnt cleared the alias when the quest is restarted to actually pinpoint to another enemy. I wonder if theres an option im missing out on.

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update: its fixed and working.
ive had to call in the following order:




now when the quest is restarted, the note respawns automatically and all aliases are re-made

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