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Creation Kit Terrain editing question


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Hey errybuddeh!


I am currently working on a External player house, along with a nice little stronghold to go with it. I intend on making NPCs, Merchants, and anything else that might be found in the fort. At the moment I am currently having trouble with terrain editing. To make the Stronghold flow, I need to lower some terrain to allow a path leading up to a higher teir of ground. I know how to lower the terrain level, but when I lower it some grass/bush textures remain floating where the ground used to be. I tried the obvious method to fix it(trying to select the bushes and grass to delete them), although that did not work.


Any tips on External player houses or locations and all help with terrain editing, especially fixing this problem I am having (no one likes floating grass in their towers!) would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the help!

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I've had this problem before. Don't worry, the floating grass only shows up in the editor, not in-game. I think it's a bit of a bug in the CK, where the grass meshes don't 'update' to the new landmass changes. Hope this helps.
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Ive never had a problem with the grass but have had floating rocks when editing the landscapes and don't understand why others havnt conplained about it.. this thread helped me with the floating rock problem but was originally made asking about the floating grass so check it out and see if it fixes your problem! :D clicky
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Thanks for the help guys. I went ahead and edited the terrain and then saved and loaded it up in skyrim to see if it would update and it did. Now to figure out why I am getting a C++ runtime error when I console "qqq" out of skyrim. XD
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