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Spell - Weapon Booster


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An idea borrowed from the MMORPG Maplestory, in which most classes have a skill called Sword/Dagger/Claw/Crossbow Booster, which costs a little bit of HP and MP, while slightly increasing the attack speed of said weapon for 2 minutes.

I was thinking a similar thing could be done in Oblivion, except making it a universal weapon booster, since you're never exactly restricted to specific weapon types.

Following the original skill idea, it'd cost around 20 magika, and increase the weapons speed by... I suppose 10%? 15%? And true to the original, it should also include a "Drain 20 Health on self for 1 second" side-effect.


I'm no good with custom spells, or custom effects, or even sure if this kind of attack-speed mod can be done without the use of the OBSE, so I thought I'd request it here and see if anyone else would be up to the task of doing it.

Lemme know what you think =p

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a scrript effect from a spell? boosts and repairs your current weapon? costing magicka? something like this?


Col John Sheppard

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