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Working on a Large Interior Space, Textures Popping In and Out


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I'm working on a large interior space for a new player home I'm creating, and I'm having issues with textures popping in and out. Everything works fine in the creation kit, but when I open Skyrim with my plugin loaded I start to have problems. For example, I have a main entrance hall that has a doorway which opens into a dining hall. When I'm in the entrance hall I see all the textures I should be seeing, but when I open the door to the dining hall I don't see any textures until I walk about halfway into the room and then suddenly most of the dining hall appears, except for the part of the wall that was "attached" to the entrance hall.


Hopefully I'm explaining this well enough. Has anybody ever experienced something similar to this? Could it maybe be a conflict with another mod that's loading?

Edited by ozwald56
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Some meshes have a shorter viewing distance than others. The designers did not expect that people would view interior meshes from any great distance, because in the base game that would be impossible. So if the meshes pop in and out in your large interior space, here are some options:


(1) Increase fog and darkness.

(2) Use different meshes than the ones that pop in and out.

(3) Change the floorplan so that things obstruct the long views you are having issues with. (So that you can't see beyond the draw distance of these objects.)

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Some meshes have a shorter viewing distance than others. The designers did not expect that people would view interior meshes from any great distance, because in the base game that would be impossible. So if the meshes pop in and out in your large interior space, here are some options:


(1) Increase fog and darkness.

(2) Use different meshes than the ones that pop in and out.

(3) Change the floorplan so that things obstruct the long views you are having issues with. (So that you can't see beyond the draw distance of these objects.)


I don't think this is a viewing distance problem. Let me explain what's happening with some screenshots.


Here is the view from the Entrance Hall into the Dining Hall. Notice that you cannot see the dining hall textures.




Here is the view from inside the Dining Hall back out into the Entrance Hall. Notice the Entrance Hall textures are gone now, along with a few sections of the Dining Hall wall.




Here is the view from inside the Dining Hall, close enough to the door back out to the Entrance Hall that most of the Dining Hall textures disappear.



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I figured out what the problem was. Turns out it had to do with room markers. I had duplicated an interior cell to use for my mod and I forgot to delete the old room markers. Rookie mistake. :blush: Edited by ozwald56
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