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Oblivion is oblivion


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Escaping reality? Isn't that what drugs and alcohol are for? I suppose oblivions cheaper, but why blame it? Blame someone who you don't know and is unlikely to retaliate. Or if you believe in karma, blame yourself. Or blame God. That's what I do because I'm atheist and need something to blame, and God, being non-existant, can't punish me. :thumbsup:
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That's what I do because I'm atheist and need something to blame, and God, being non-existant, can't punish me. :thumbsup:


Now that's a no go. Remember, there are people on this forum who believe that God does exist, and you saying that he is non-existent is basically an insult to them, and is definitely considered trolling as far as I'm concerned. So do the right thing, respect other people's beliefs and they'll respect yours, and if people think you respect them, they'll be more willing to listen to your opinions.


And yes, I am a Christian, and no, not a Jesus freak. Just don't insult my beliefs and I wouldn't have reason to take offense. It's like telling a guy his girlfriend is ugly and expecting him not to get angry.

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*adressed to topic starter*

I don't think it's really fair to blame oblivion for your current situation. If it wasn't a game that you used to escape reality, it would have been something else. You hear all the time about people who are in very similar situations to your's, except instead of Oblivion, it was heroine, cocaine, or alcohol. However, just like there are casual drinkers, there are casual gamers. Most people are able to turn the game off and face reality. I'm sorry that you're in this situation, but really the only thing you have to blame is yourself. No offence.



i agree with this guy... "blamming a game" for your lazyness to get back on track after you loose your job is not a solution... and i dont think its fair for others that rush trough ruff situation like you and still have played game trough that (get back on track) process!

(these words are not an insult, these are my personal opinion on the subject)

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