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Creation KitNav Mesh issues + constant corrup saves


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Creation Kit Nav Mesh Issues + Corrupt Saves*(Just correcting the title typos.





I recently started learning to use the Creation Kit. I was doing just fine in the tutorials until I got to Nav Meshing. There seem to be a few -REALLY- glitchy issues with it, yet when I watch people use it on Youtube, they don't seem to be having the same issues I am.



Basically, here's what's occuring:


1.)When I'm creating a new piece of nav mesh where there're no nodes to select and am forced to use ctrl-Rclick, the node is either not created at all, or is created inches away from where I click. This becomes really irritating and causes an inaccurate piece of Nav mesh with gaps in between the triangles.



2.)Whenever I try to put a piece of Nav mesh onto a piece of Nordic raised floor, the node is either placed entirely or partially under the raised portion to the point where I cannot see it. I've tried making the raised portion transparent, but to no avail.



3.) Sometimes when I create a piece of nav mesh, regardless of how flat the ground is, one of the nodes is lifted partially into the air. i'm unsure as to whether or not that will cause an issue in-game.


4.)Whenever I try to left-click and drag a triangle, it either jumps around in a wierd fashion, or doesnt move at all.


5.)I've tried using a test actor, and in some places where the navmesh covers it entirely, the actor somehow cannot cross it. I think this may be due to the generator, but because of some of these other issues, I cannot create my own.




On top of these Nav mesh issues, my dungeon doesn't seem to be saving correctly. Whenever I load it, the corners and sometimes the walls of several of the rooms are missing. I don't have the issue with anything on the middle pieces of the dungeon kit.



Is anyone willing to tell me what's causing these issues and how I can fix them? Any help would be greatly appreciated. The only things that do seem to work with Nav Meshing are selection and deletion of triangles.

Edited by pppgggr
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1, 2 & 4 I would guess that you have Grid Snapping on (I must confess I often do because I like neat navmeshes, but I drop the grid snap to either 8 or 4) most of the time you will probably be better of with the grid snap off.


3 If the navmesh is a little high (or low) it should make no difference as the NPC's don't actually walk on it, they just use it as a guide.

The vertexes can be placed mid air if there is an invisible/transparent object in the way like a light source or marker or even a single sided texture like a standalone ceiling piece.

I find it useful to toggle off markers with the "M" key and then select anything that is near/above ceiling level and cull it from the render window using the "1" key twice (Press "F5" to bring them back later)


5 At a guess you have detached navmesh sections. The easy way to check for this is to look in the cells object list, there should be an item called NavMesh (330 tris) or similar. If you have more than one then you may have problems like you describe (unless you actually have distinct areas of course, like a balcony linked by a load door for example)

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