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Here's Some Nice Mod Idea's


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I'm just throwing out a few idea's to modders who may take interest, i'm not a modder so all I can do is share the idea.


1) Jump While Sprinting

Having a mod that allows a character to jump while sprinting would help a lot in many areas. Having to stop your sprint to jump is a real pain in the ass and having a further jump would be pretty slick aswell.


2) Backwards movement on a horse

With the newly implimented mounted combat its a real pain in the ass having to circle around again to attack an enemy who's beside you yet slightly behind and out of reach, being able to slowly walk and turn backwards would greatly enhance mounted combat and moving in general with a horse.


3) Side/Back/Front Stepping

Double tapping a "wasd" key makes your character quickly "hop" a short realistic distance in that direction, making a mod that does something like this could potentially enhance melee combat by hopping in and out for dodging and striking.


4) More Favorites Hotkeys

Having a mod that allows the user to assign all or most of the F# keys (like F1 to F8) to items and skills from their favorites menu.


5) Less Combat Restrictions

Allow melee and casting while swimming and allow melee while jumping.


6) "Harder" Crafting


A mod idea thats entire purpose is to make leveling your crafting skills much more interesting by having a slower (and curved) experience gain along with removing most or all materials from the shops and changing a few other things. This forces players to go out and find/harvest materials out in the open world and in dungeons to train their craft. A mod like this would allow a player to focus on leveling their crafting skills as they progress through the game without having overpowered gear early on. This type of mod would add that extra drive to travel and explore to find materials for leveling their craft and i'm sure the players who seek a challenge or more purpose in the game would love a mod like this.


I found that using the HBE mod to remove materials from vendors just wasnt enough and I feel a mod that does more for gathering would be a great addition to the nexus mod library, it took only 35 hours of gameplay on master with that mod to max out my smithing but it made the game much more enjoyable... once I got my smithing maxed out it ruined the game by making things far too easy and it put my "adventure for materials while im questing" to a hault. Having to forcibly limit and gimp yourself with crafting is never any fun which is why I reccomend something like this...

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Edited by Metalkon2
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I agree that having all this would be really cool. Especially the underwater fighting. Then I would actually be able to kill those pesky slaughterfish! Hopefully there's someone out there who can do this.
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I have been thinking about a sprint jump too for a long time! i really miss it, especially when climbing mountains.

The side step sounds like a great idea too, an addition to that could be holding then sprint button while in another direction than forward would tricker a roll. I really really miss a good Roll/Leep when fighting dragons!

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