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Quick Question About Creating a Mod


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If i am making a Mod like a house can i download and use other mods with the one im creating.


For Example:


If i want to decorate a house with some of the resources in this modders resource pack do other people have to download the mod to see them in my mod?



Kind of confusing question but if you get it please answer it, Thanks.

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Copy the meshes in Skyrim/Data/meshes, in the folder of your choice.

In the Creation Kit, right-click in Statics, click New, then Edit and choose your mesh. Name it and place it anywhere you want in your cell.


According to the description he is allowing you to pack and distribute the files with your mod. therefore only you are required to download his resources. Basicly you create new entries in the CK make your mod. then when you upload you include the meshes as well.

Edited by jet4571
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Click the "Permissions and Credits" icon above the "Vote for Me" button.


"Asset use permission

You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission or crediting me "


"Author notes

You are free to use these resources in your own mods without asking as long as you give me proper credits. "


Modification permission

You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it


So yes, you can use his assets but you can't modify the actual files without permission.

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