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No khajiit bandit


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Hi everyone,


First of all, I'm french, so excuse my bad enlish.


For long time, I was exploring Skyrim, cleaning it from thieves, bandits, werewolves, vampires, and all that sort of things.


But one thing mad me sad.




I always liked this race, and I'm afraid some of these peacefuls creatures had sell their souls to become bandits, stealing, killing for gold.


So I checked the Nexus, but I found nothing that could answer it.


SO, here I come, and my idea is to make a mod that remove khajiits from bandits, thieves and (maybe?) Dark Brotherhood. (EDIT : replacing them by other race's bandits will be a better idea, for the Lore. And maybe it will be easier to make)


This way they can keep their glory and their pride. This way khajiit players won't have to kill their Elsweyr's brothers.


Thank you all.




PS : Maybe one other for argonian ?

Edited by Sayasam
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