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Can't download with NMM anymore


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As it says on the tin...


When I attempt to download a Skyrim mod using NMM (I think I am still on v 18.4)NMM tells me that the file does not exist.

I have for example tried various versions of Ashara's Romantic Outfits.

I haven't had this issue for quite some time so am wondering if it has to do with the site update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to report that i can download mods with NMM but only small mods, like around 30MB or less with success. anything larger almost always fails. It is disappointing that there is not a way to simply check "chunks" of a file and redownload the corrupt ones like a torrent program does, in fact if servers just used bit-torrents for mod downloads i'd be much happier. Also i'm not having a huge success downloading manually ether but it's much more successful then NMM for large mods. I find that in mods that are over 100MB it fails about %50 of time.


For example reason i finally came here to post about it is because i was trying to download SkyMoMod which is about 470MB. First 2 times i downloaded NMM spit out errors when installing and i couldn't un-zip with 7-zip ethier to try and repack in case it was a NMM issue. Then on 3rd attempt it at downloading file it finally worked. So essentially i just downloaded about 1,400MB of data for one file that should have only been 470MB. The only reason i continue to try is because i have a very fast brighthouse lightning 40MB connection and doesnt' take me long at all to download 470MB of data. it's just still pretty frustrating. I would like to add that i download large files all time and sometimes much larger then any files i download here without any issues what so over.


I use chrome.

brighthouse lighting is my ISP

windows 7 64 bit.

I download from premium servers.


Any ideas? i really think it's an issue with download server, but if it's possible it could be a setting on my end and i can fix it, that would be awesome. I also fee like i'm leeching too much bandwidth from servers having to re-download mods all time but i feel like i have no choice at this time.

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Ok now i'm extremely frustrated. I hope someone can point me in right direction.


i tried downloading static mesh improvement mod. It took me 5 tries before i could install it with NMM. each time it would stop in a different spot which just tells me i have major issues downloading files from Nexus servers. Reason i download manually and move it to nexus mod folder is because i have even worst success with NMM download manager, not only that but NMM downloads much much much slower then manually.


Again i'm using Chrome and windows 7.


I asked in Nexus chat about it, but people are telling me it's only me having this issue. What i don't understand is why in 20 years i been downloading just fine off internet i never had issues with corrupt downloads before and why i only have issues with this site. I downloaded large files elsewhere to test and much larger files today and i have no issues. Only from Nexus..... So i'm completely baffled to how i can fix this issue. But obvously this is only happening to me since i'm only one posting about it and people in chat say it is only me, which only makes me 1000% more frustrated that i can't figure out what's going on.


EDIT: Also does anyone have issues with site trying to bring up pages? many many many times i try to click links or navigate site i get errors but usually a few refreshes fixes it. I'm starting to wonder if i just have a really bad connection to Nexus servers which is causing my problem.

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Try a different server. Try downloading manually and then use NMM to install the mod. I am having no issues, perhaps it is with your isp ?
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Try a different server. Try downloading manually and then use NMM to install the mod. I am having no issues, perhaps it is with your isp ?


I have been using NMM sometimes but most time downloading manually from the premium Denver server only.. i think i will try one of the other servers, but i guess that means downloading ether from UK premium or public ones but if i don't have to re-download same mod 3-5 times that would be great.

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